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Candida, Here's What You Need To Know.

Candida, Here's What You Need To Know.

What Is Candida?

Do you ever experience health issues like; exhaustion, cravings, bad breath, brain fog, joint pain, loss of libido, chronic sinus issues, or urinary tract infections? If you do, it could be a sign that you have a little gut bug call candida wreaking havoc in your body.

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Are you Dealing With Inflammation?

Are you Dealing With Inflammation?

The subtle signs of Inflammation

In the past few weeks I have been trying to experiment with foods that I have cut out over the years to see if I could start introducing them back into my life. Some of these foods are “treats” that I wouldn’t eat on a daily basis but might like to enjoy on occasion and some of them are highly nutritious foods that I cut out because for me and my body, at that time, they were not making me feel my best.

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Is Tracking Your Food A Good Idea?

Is Tracking Your Food A Good Idea?

Is food tracking a good idea?

Tracking what you eat and drink is something we first ask our nutrition coaching clients to do when working with them. There are several ways to track your food and drink. You can keep a food journal and record daily by pen or use an app on your phone/computer to record your daily intake.

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Ready to get Healthy? Don't know where to start?

Ready to get Healthy? Don't know where to start?

No Shoes Nutrition - Our Programs

So, you've been thinking about getting some support to get your health on track but you aren’t really sure what that might look like. We don’t want anything to hold you back so here’s a little information about how we support our clients to reach their health goals.

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Can this Root Rid You of Stress Effects?

Can this Root Rid You of Stress Effects?

Maca’s Magical Powers

You may remember from our discussion a few weeks ago that there are some special plants that naturally help us balance our body to counteract the effects of stress. These plants are called Adaptogens. Today we are going to discuss Maca. This mighty root will support the immune system by defending against stress. Maca is a powerful super food that is continuously being studied because it keeps proving to be helpful in new ways! Cool right?

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Are you Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Today!

Are you Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Today!

10 Tips for Dealing with An Addiction to Sugar

We all love a little sugar, some of us may even love it A LOT! So, when do we know that things have gotten out of control? When do we know that sugar addiction is taking over and we are officially unable to live without it? Well, there are a few signs and symptoms to recognize when your sugar cravings are leading to more of an addiction rather than just a simple craving.

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Ready to Feel Renewed? More Energy For All!!

Ready to Feel Renewed? More Energy For All!!

Today I would like to continue the discussion by introducing adaptogens. Adaptogens are plants which can come in the form of roots, leaves, mushrooms (technically fungi, I know) that can help your body normalize the stress chemicals you produce. This means that if your stress chemicals are high, these plants help lower them back to normal.

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Stressed? Adrenal Fatigue Continued...

Stressed? Adrenal Fatigue Continued...

Guidelines to help overcome adrenal fatigue

Last week’s blog covered what Adrenal Fatigue is and its many signs and symptoms. It is a very relevant topic today as many of our clients have or are experiencing various stages of this condition. Many people are constantly bombarded with stress. Stress from everyday life, family, relationships, work, finances, social media and the list goes on.

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Are You Tired? Wanna Know Why?

Are You Tired? Wanna Know Why?

Are Your Adrenals Holding You Back?

Here at No Shoes Nutrition we are discovering that more and more of the clients we work with are dealing with chronic stress that is potentially holding them back from reaching their health goals. We are going to post a series all about the adrenal glands and how these special little endocrine glands that sit just above the kidneys affect us, good or bad, on a daily basis.

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The Sweet Truth about Honey

The Sweet Truth about Honey

Honey – The Sweet Sweet Truth!

Did you know that honey has been coveted as a natural sweetener long before processed sugar became widely available? It is a remarkable substance that has many health benefits besides a tasty sweetener for your tea and baking. No two honey jars contain the same sweet honey! There are over 300 kinds of honey, each with a unique color and flavor that is dependent on the nectar source.

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Alleviate Your Allergies

Alleviate Your Allergies

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?

It’s that time of the year when I see the red eyes, hear the sneezing and can tell there are people truly suffering from the change in seasons with excess mucus and congestion. I know this may surprise you, but did you know that there are specific foods that can help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal allergies?

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Muscle Mania!

Muscle Mania!

Healthy diet = Healthy muscles

Have you ever felt like you just can’t keep your body moving? Like something that should feel light, weighs a ton? I want to share the key to a healthy muscular system this week. Hint, hint, it has to do with eating a healthy diet.

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Sunshine or Bust!

Sunshine or Bust!

Sunshine, Happiness and Rainbows Everywhere!

I don’t know about you, but I am SUPER excited about the longer days! I find it easier to wake up in the morning and my energy levels are much improved. Is this a spring thing? An anticipation of warmer summer days or is there more to this phenomenon? It’s actually a brain thing. Sunlight stimulates your brain and does more for your health than you may guess.

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Are you Craving Movement?

Are you Craving Movement?

Is your body asking for movement?

It’s spring!! The weather is improving and we have been cooped up all winter trying to stay warm. I can feel the urge to get outside and get some sun! How about you? Stress, hard work, and lots of thinking create tension in the body, which can lead to chronic aches, tightness, and constipation. Many people try to alleviate these symptoms with alcohol and sugar, which ultimately worsen their unease and anesthetize the body. Exercise is a great way to release built up physical tension.

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Are you Shopping Healthy?

Are you Shopping Healthy?

Navigate the Grocery Store for Cleaner and Healthier Eating

You either love it or hate it. Grocery shopping is just one of those things that isn’t very glamorous or exciting but it is still a very important part of your routine. Learning to grocery shop smarter will help you lay the foundation towards cleaner eating. For some, grocery shopping is stressful and overwhelming. You have to make it through the crowds and confusion, put up with loud music and fluorescent lighting and sometimes you may even have to drag your kids with you!

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Summer is COMING!! Are you READY??

Summer is COMING!! Are you READY??

Summer is on the Horizon

Okay, so it’s only March, but let’s be honest, the New Years Resolution thing has worn off, the winter weather has had us huddled indoors for warmth, and we are beginning to crave sunshine, activity and maybe even…. salad!! Spring will be here, and then comes summer with short sleeves and exposed skin. Are you ready? Do you feel confident? I only bring this up because it’s just about now that spring fever hits and it’s a FANTASTIC time to change because the world around us will start to change and blossom very soon and why shouldn’t we change and blossom as well?

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Does anyone eat together as a family anymore??

Does anyone eat together as a family anymore??

Come And Get It!!

When was the last time you and your family sat down to eat a meal together? Is it only for special occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas that more effort is made to get everyone to sit together and eat as a family? Today’s society has families running from activity to activity making it hard to round up the troops for a meal, especially dinnertime.  Even the family TV sitcoms from the past had families sitting around the table sharing a meal. It was expected that each family member make it a priority to reserve that time for family.

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The Highs and Lows of Cholesterol – What you should know!

The Highs and Lows of Cholesterol – What you should know!

Is Your Cholesterol a Problem?

If you are one of the many North American’s that have recently had their blood tested and found out they have elevated triglycerides, reduced HDL cholesterol and/or blood glucose imbalances, I am here to tell you there is hope. Nutrition can make a huge impact on cholesterol and help turn your health around before serious issues arise.

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Foods that Can Make You Go Hmmm….

Foods that Can Make You Go Hmmm….

Valentine’s Day Natural Viagra

With Valentine’s Day around the corner many people are looking for ways to spice up their love life and make their Valentine feel special. February is Heart Health month at No Shoes Nutrition so what better way to keep your heart healthy but with some good love. Let’s discuss some nutritional ways to improve the libido and have a Happy Valentine’s Day.

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Have You Fallen Off the Wagon??

Have You Fallen Off the Wagon??

Tips to Getting Back On Track

On January 1st most of us made promises to ourselves that 2019 will be different, promises like getting our eating on track, sticking to a plan, losing some extra weight and finally starting to feel better. How’s that going?

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