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It's January Let's Jump Into Movement

It's January Let's Jump Into Movement

January is the month where people embark on new health goals for the year, and exercise is often one of those goals. However, it can be tricky to know how to effectively incorporate exercise into your life so that is not just a January trend, but a year round practice. So how does one develop the habit to be more physically active and build it into your daily lifestyle?

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Thirsty? Why not try a Switchel?

Thirsty? Why not try a Switchel?

What is Switchel? - Some people refer to this drink as the original sports drink. Others have had it passed down from generation to generation as a staple in their homes. But I’m betting the majority of us North Americans have never heard of this delicious treat. It’s sweet, it’s sour and there are many claims from generations back that Switchel has benefits beyond simple hydration.

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Muscle Mania!

Muscle Mania!

Healthy diet = Healthy muscles

Have you ever felt like you just can’t keep your body moving? Like something that should feel light, weighs a ton? I want to share the key to a healthy muscular system this week. Hint, hint, it has to do with eating a healthy diet.

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