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Should We Change Our Diet With The Seasons?

Should We Change Our Diet With The Seasons?

Should We Change Our Diet With The Seasons? The seasons are changing. Leaves are falling, the air is getting a chill and it’s even raining with the threat of snow this morning. It makes me begin to think about preparing for the coming winter. I took the winter jackets out of storage, spent a half hour switching out sandals for winter boots and packed up the shorts and tanks to replace with the woolies. All of this got me thinking… should I also be shifting my diet to prepare for the winter.

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Thirsty? Why not try a Switchel?

Thirsty? Why not try a Switchel?

What is Switchel? - Some people refer to this drink as the original sports drink. Others have had it passed down from generation to generation as a staple in their homes. But I’m betting the majority of us North Americans have never heard of this delicious treat. It’s sweet, it’s sour and there are many claims from generations back that Switchel has benefits beyond simple hydration.

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Ginger - The Root That Can Do It All

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Foods that Can Make You Go Hmmm….

Foods that Can Make You Go Hmmm….

Valentine’s Day Natural Viagra

With Valentine’s Day around the corner many people are looking for ways to spice up their love life and make their Valentine feel special. February is Heart Health month at No Shoes Nutrition so what better way to keep your heart healthy but with some good love. Let’s discuss some nutritional ways to improve the libido and have a Happy Valentine’s Day.

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What's all the Hype about Pumpkin Spice

What's all the Hype about Pumpkin Spice

Believe it or not I don’t drink coffee.  Its not because I don’t agree with having a little java to start your day, its just because I don’t really enjoy the taste.  I can’t say that I haven’t been tempted lately though, as I catch the smell of pumpkin spiced EVERYTHING wafting through the air!  What is this pumpkin spice?...

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