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What is Stress Doing to You?

What is Stress Doing to You?

If you have been living on planet earth the last couple years, it’s become apparent that stress levels have grossly risen. We had our lives shaken up and flipped upside down and were expected to put it all back together all on our own. In the meantime, the effects of the stress we have all been trying to balance has shown up on our hips, waistlines and behinds.

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Foods that Can Make You Go Hmmm….

Foods that Can Make You Go Hmmm….

Valentine’s Day Natural Viagra

With Valentine’s Day around the corner many people are looking for ways to spice up their love life and make their Valentine feel special. February is Heart Health month at No Shoes Nutrition so what better way to keep your heart healthy but with some good love. Let’s discuss some nutritional ways to improve the libido and have a Happy Valentine’s Day.

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