The Holiday Gut Health Toolkit: Supporting Your Digestion During Festive Feasts

Simple Strategies to Savor the Season Without the Post-Feast Discomfort

The holiday season brings joy, togetherness, and indulgent feasts—but it can also bring bloating, sluggish digestion, and discomfort. This has been something that many of my clients complain about yearly and I am here to help! If you’re worried about how your gut will fare during the festivities, don’t fret! This Holiday Gut Health Toolkit offers simple, lesser-known strategies to keep your digestion running smoothly so you can fully enjoy the season without regrets.

1. Start with Digestive Bitters

I know, I know, just the sound of the word sends people running! Hold on to your sleigh reins because digestive bitters are a natural, time-tested way to stimulate digestive juices before meals. The are made from bitter herbs like dandelion root and gentian, they prepare your stomach for heavy, rich foods by encouraging the production of stomach acid and bile. It’s not as bad as you may thing and some of your favorite libation may already have some of these bitters included!

How to Use:

  • Take 1–2 teaspoons of bitters 15–20 minutes before a meal.

  • Opt for alcohol-free versions if sensitive or dilute them in water for a gentler effect.

Bonus: Bitters can also help curb sugar cravings, making them perfect for the holiday dessert table!

Ginger Bitters Tonic

A soothing drink to pair with holiday meals.


  • 1–2 teaspoons digestive bitters

  • 1 cup ginger tea (cooled)

  • Splash of lime juice

  • Ice cubes

  • Fresh mint for garnish


  1. Brew and cool ginger tea.

  2. Combine tea, bitters, and lime juice in a glass with ice.

  3. Garnish with mint for a festive touch.

2. Sip on Gut-Loving Teas

Holiday meals often come with bloating and discomfort. Herbal teas can work wonders to ease digestion while doubling as a calming ritual.

Top Picks for Holiday Digestion:

  • Peppermint Tea: Soothes bloating and relaxes the digestive tract.

  • Ginger Tea: Stimulates digestion and reduces nausea.

  • Fennel Tea: Reduces gas and cramping after indulgent meals.

Pro Tip: Make a thermos of ginger or fennel tea to sip throughout holiday gatherings. It’s a subtle way to support your gut without missing out on the fun.

Peppermint Tea Digestive Mocktail

This refreshing mocktail combines the soothing properties of peppermint tea with a festive, bubbly twist, perfect for sipping before or after a holiday meal.


  • 1 cup strong peppermint tea (cooled)

  • 1/2 cup sparkling water or club soda

  • 1–2 teaspoons digestive bitters (optional)

  • 1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup (optional, for sweetness)

  • Fresh mint leaves or lime slice for garnish

  • Ice cubes


  1. Brew a strong cup of peppermint tea and let it cool completely.

  2. Fill a glass with ice cubes and pour in the peppermint tea.

  3. Add the sparkling water or club soda and stir gently.

  4. If using, mix in digestive bitters and sweetener to taste.

  5. Garnish with fresh mint leaves for a festive touch, or use a lime slice for a refreshing zing.

3. Chew Mindfully

In the holiday rush, it’s easy to wolf down food without thinking. Unfortunately, fast eating can strain your digestion. Its important to practice slow, mindful chewing as one of the simplest yet most effective ways to ease your gut’s workload.

Why It Works:

  • Proper chewing breaks food down mechanically, reducing the burden on your stomach.

  • Saliva contains enzymes that kickstart carbohydrate digestion.

How to Practice Mindful Chewing:

  • Aim for 20–30 chews per bite.

  • Put your fork down between bites and savor the flavors.

4. Support Your Stomach Acid

Low stomach acid (common during stress or overindulgence) can mess with digestion, especially for protein-heavy meals like turkey or roast beef. Boosting stomach acid can help prevent bloating and improve nutrient absorption.

Strategies to Support Stomach Acid:

  • Start meals with a squeeze of lemon or apple cider vinegar in warm water.

  • Incorporate fermented foods like sauerkraut or kimchi as appetizers. You know me! Always looking for ways to build the microbiome!

  • Avoid drinking large amounts of water during meals, as it dilutes stomach acid.

5. Take Time to Breathe

Did you know stress can significantly impact your digestion? High cortisol levels from holiday chaos can slow down digestive processes, leading to discomfort.

Quick Breathing Exercise Before Meals:

  • Take 3–5 deep breaths, inhaling through your nose for four counts and exhaling through your mouth for six counts.

  • This activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which aids digestion.

Pro Tip: Sneak in a mini mindfulness moment before sitting at the dinner table.

6. Use Enzyme Support When Needed

If your gut struggles to keep up, digestive enzymes can provide extra support. These supplements help break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, easing the digestive load.

When to Use:

  • Take enzymes at the start of a meal, particularly if it’s heavier than usual.

  • Look for broad-spectrum enzymes to cover all food groups.

7. Get Moving Post-Meal

One of the simplest ways to aid digestion is gentle movement after eating. It encourages peristalsis—the natural movement of food through your digestive tract.

Ideas for Post-Meal Movement:

  • Take a walk with family or friends.

  • Do light stretching or yoga poses like Cat-Cow or Child’s Pose.

  • Avoid lying down immediately after eating to reduce the risk of acid reflux.

Always Remember: A Gut-Friendly Holiday is Possible

With these tools in your Holiday Gut Health Toolkit, you can navigate holiday feasts with confidence and comfort. Remember, the goal isn’t perfection—it’s balance. Enjoy your favorite holiday foods, listen to your body, and apply these strategies to keep your gut happy and healthy. If you feel overwhelmed and would like support you are always welcome to reach out to No Shoes Nutrition and we will help you navigate your holidays one on one!

Happy Holidays, and here’s to a season of mindful indulgence!

Megan Barefoot

Megan Barefoot is a certified holistic nutrition consultant and health coach with a bachelor’s degree in science. Her passion for health and wellness led to the creation of No Shoes Nutrition, where she helps clients achieve their wellness goals through personalized nutrition plans and holistic approaches. No Shoes Nutrition specializes in weight loss, gut health, and reducing inflammation so that clients can live a fuller, more vibrant life.

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Healthy Holidays, Happy You: Simple Strategies to Stay on Track During the Festive Season