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Dry January – Yea or Nay??

Dry January – Yea or Nay??

Dry January is a movement that encourages people to abstain from drinking alcohol for the month of January. It is often seen as a way to reset one's relationship with alcohol after the excesses of the holiday season and to improve one's health and well-being.

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Thirsty? Why not try a Switchel?

Thirsty? Why not try a Switchel?

What is Switchel? - Some people refer to this drink as the original sports drink. Others have had it passed down from generation to generation as a staple in their homes. But I’m betting the majority of us North Americans have never heard of this delicious treat. It’s sweet, it’s sour and there are many claims from generations back that Switchel has benefits beyond simple hydration.

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No Shoes Nutrition & Practical Nutrition In 2020

No Shoes Nutrition & Practical Nutrition In 2020

Practical Nutrition

There is so much nutrition data out there. We are bombarded with good, bad, and ugly every single day. There are reports that certain foods are good for us, then the next day that same food will cause cancer. There are “fad” diets for weight loss and “protocols” and “treatments” for certain ailments. But at the end of the day what is right? What do we believe, who do we believe and where do we turn to for the information that will be most helpful? More importantly, what are we supposed to eat?

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Hibiscus – Not Just A Beautiful Flower

Hibiscus – Not Just A Beautiful Flower

Ever Thought You Might Drink Your Garden?

Ever heard of the hibiscus flower? Have you ever thought about eating it or drinking it as a tea? I have been able to travel south where these flowers bloom daily and man do they smell beautiful! I hadn’t heard of eating or drinking them to improve my health until I was in Mexico a few years ago and had hibiscus tea.

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Hungover? Here’s some Natural Nutrition to Help!

Hungover? Here’s some Natural Nutrition to Help!

Did you over-indulge?

It was a great weekend for me. I was celebrating a BIG milestone with friends and family we ate lots, we laughed lots and there were those of us that drank too much. I realized the holidays are on the way and this might happen a little more often for some in the weeks to come. So how can I help you recover faster?

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Are you Allergic or Intolerant?

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The Myth of "Fresh" Food

The Myth of "Fresh" Food

How Fresh is Fresh?

So, you have decided to make a change this season and start investing in your health. You are going to make a BIG effort to buy your fruits and veggies fresh and eat them raw as you have read that this can be best for your health. But what does fresh mean and how fresh are the fruits and vegetables in the grocery store?

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Are you Getting your Gut Bugs?

Are you Getting your Gut Bugs?

The Yogurt Culture

If you have been following my blogs and my feeds you know how much I love fermentation and the microbes, they contribute to our guts. Currently many of us find digesting dairy difficult but milk contains agents of extraordinary transformation. Bacteria. Bacteria that can produce a plethora of fermentation products that improve the way your body works. The same microbes that turn milk into yogurt, benefit your gut, brain, immune system and overall physiology.

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Can Drinking Tea Make you Healthier?

Can Drinking Tea Make you Healthier?

Drinking Tea for Health

Drinking tea has become popular again recently. When I was growing up we used to think of tea as “grandma's” drink but now it’s new and trendy with just as many tea shops popping up as coffee shops. Tea has a history stretching back thousands of years and with many quality brews comes many quality nutrients that your body can benefit from.

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Day Six - Holiday Health Challenge

Day Six - Holiday Health Challenge

Okay, so we discussed scheduling the events that we are going to visit and we discussed how to navigate drinking at events but what about food?  Here’s the scenario; We arrive at a party and there is a MASSIVE buffet filled with the most delicious food!  We tried to plan ahead and not arrive super hungry but we were tied up at the office and had to rush out the door.  What do we do?...

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Day Three - Holiday Health Challenge

Day Three - Holiday Health Challenge

Many of us stay accountable for the food but forget the drinks add up too! I am astounded at the number of New Year resolution stories I hear that begin with “I just don’t know where I went wrong!” I am by NO means going to tell you...

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Day One - Holiday Health Challenge

Day One - Holiday Health Challenge

I know, I know, it sounds SO simple.  But did you know that your body is approximately 60% water and that we are constantly losing water through our urine and our sweat?  When we are going into the holidays filled with goodies and treats there also some other good reasons to drink more water!...

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