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Trying to Stay Low Carb? Low on Energy? Here's Why!

Trying to Stay Low Carb? Low on Energy? Here's Why!

Best Complex Carbohydrates for Endurance - In our fast-paced lives, maintaining energy levels throughout the day is essential for staying productive and focused. While quick fixes like sugary snacks may offer a temporary energy boost, they often lead to energy crashes. This is why so many people have jumped on the keto bandwagon, but after a while, they find it difficult to stick to, and they begin to have energy fluctuations.

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How Do I get My Kids to Eat Healthier?

How Do I get My Kids to Eat Healthier?

Family Friendly Health Tips - Meghan Prescott and I have been asking our followers to send in questions about their nutrition concerns. This was a question I wanted to follow up on a bit more because I hear this from parents all the time. I know each family has their food struggles so here are some tips to help work around the past and move into a healthier future.

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Keto - The Weight Loss Wonder

Keto - The Weight Loss Wonder

Ready to Try Keto – Here are some tips! -

Whether you have been living the keto way of life for some time or you are just starting out, exploring your options, or interested in learning some more I have some tips that can make your keto transition easier. These are some things I wish I would have known when I started my own keto journey.

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Furious and Frustrate? How to eat for Calm?

Furious and Frustrate? How to eat for Calm?

Pandemic Pandemonium or Pandemic Pacified

It has become apparent that the tension in the air is rising. I have seen more and more videos of individuals losing their cool in what should be a simple conversation. I personally experienced a friend’s frustration at having to wait in line. She just got so frustrated she left the line and went home. When she got home, she was so mad at herself she ate a bag of chips! Things just spiraled from there.

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Am I Crazy? Candida Cleansing While Quarantined

Am I Crazy? Candida Cleansing While Quarantined

Ever Thought Candida Might be Your Problem? - Being stuck in my house, eating (okay, I’m going to admit it) less than 100% nutritious foods, I have been once again forced to come to terms with a flare-up of candida. Have you heard of it?

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Your Kids are Home – What do you feed them?

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It’s Back to School: Time to Make the Lunches

It’s Back to School: Time to Make the Lunches

Another September – What Are You Sending For Lunch?

Here we go again! Another school year, another ten months of packing lunches. I don’t know about you, but it can be such a struggle in our house!

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Are you Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Today!

Are you Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Today!

10 Tips for Dealing with An Addiction to Sugar

We all love a little sugar, some of us may even love it A LOT! So, when do we know that things have gotten out of control? When do we know that sugar addiction is taking over and we are officially unable to live without it? Well, there are a few signs and symptoms to recognize when your sugar cravings are leading to more of an addiction rather than just a simple craving.

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The Sweet Truth about Honey

The Sweet Truth about Honey

Honey – The Sweet Sweet Truth!

Did you know that honey has been coveted as a natural sweetener long before processed sugar became widely available? It is a remarkable substance that has many health benefits besides a tasty sweetener for your tea and baking. No two honey jars contain the same sweet honey! There are over 300 kinds of honey, each with a unique color and flavor that is dependent on the nectar source.

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Does anyone eat together as a family anymore??

Does anyone eat together as a family anymore??

Come And Get It!!

When was the last time you and your family sat down to eat a meal together? Is it only for special occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas that more effort is made to get everyone to sit together and eat as a family? Today’s society has families running from activity to activity making it hard to round up the troops for a meal, especially dinnertime.  Even the family TV sitcoms from the past had families sitting around the table sharing a meal. It was expected that each family member make it a priority to reserve that time for family.

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How Many Carbs Do I Need?

How Many Carbs Do I Need?

How Many Carbs Do I Need to Eat?

I get asked the question “How many carbs do I need?” on an almost daily basis. Our culture seems almost obsessed with carbohydrates these days and for good reason. Most of the convenience foods that we rely on when we’re busy and when we need a pick-me-up are made of mostly carbs.

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