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Are You Making Good Choices?

Are You Making Good Choices?

The Choice is Yours! Making good choices can be really challenging. Life gets busy, stress levels rise, and the easiest thing to do is to hit the drive-thru or skip the dishes. The great thing is, the choice is yours!

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Should We Change Our Diet With The Seasons?

Should We Change Our Diet With The Seasons?

Should We Change Our Diet With The Seasons? The seasons are changing. Leaves are falling, the air is getting a chill and it’s even raining with the threat of snow this morning. It makes me begin to think about preparing for the coming winter. I took the winter jackets out of storage, spent a half hour switching out sandals for winter boots and packed up the shorts and tanks to replace with the woolies. All of this got me thinking… should I also be shifting my diet to prepare for the winter.

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How to Get your Groove back:

How to Get your Groove back:

Back in the Saddle Again - We are creatures of habit! We can make changes to our diet and lifestyle, even major ones, but at some point, we can get complacent about it, or we get derailed by an event, and before we know it, we’re back to our old habits again.

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The Leaky Gut Solution - Part Two

The Leaky Gut Solution - Part Two

Last week we started with a discussion on what Leaky Gut was and what might be at the root of why it happens. This week we need to look at the solutions.

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Are Your Guts Leaky? Let's Find Out Why!

Are Your Guts Leaky? Let's Find Out Why!

Certain symptoms can be traced back to gut health and possibly leaky gut! The gut, or gastrointestinal system, is truly a gateway to overall health. The gut microbiome is an ecosystem of organisms including bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses, and protozoan throughout the digestive tract.

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Tips to Spring Clean Your Body!

Tips to Spring Clean Your Body!

Spring Forward with 5 Tips for a Gentle Detox - Spring is coming! In Alberta we are firmly planted in the spring of deception after hitting 18 degrees yesterday in Calgary! The parks were booming this weekend, and everyone is eager to get outside in the beautiful weather, especially after the year we’ve had! Spring is a time of renewal for the earth as the trees begin to bud, sap begins to flow, and flowers start to peek out of the ground with their fresh green shoots. Spring is also an excellent time for us to do a renewal of our own, and a great way to start that is to do a gentle body detox.

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Thriving In Our Winter of Discontent

Thriving In Our Winter of Discontent

Thriving In Our Winter of Discontent - As social distancing protocols continue after the weirdest holiday season of the century so far, many people are struggling with not being able to celebrate with their loved ones around the table. We crave the familiar and nostalgia becomes particularly strong when the twinkle lights go up.

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Reset with Results – Start the New Year Better

Reset with Results – Start the New Year Better

When will it be the right time to change? - What does the New Year mean to you? Maybe you sit down and set goals or get focused on what you want to achieve in the coming year. Maybe you re-evaluate your life and what you have accomplished in the past year. For 2021, I have heard many people talking about getting back on track after the train wreck of 2020.

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Entrepreneurial Energy – How to Generate More!

Entrepreneurial Energy – How to Generate More!

Big Business Energy Busts - As a business owner and entrepreneur, I know firsthand what it takes to get a business up and running and the energy it takes to keep that business moving in the forward direction. Most of us here in Calgary were feeling the downturn of our local economy well before the beginning of 2020 and then shortly there after we shocked into a new reality with the onslaught of COVID-19. Stress is one of the partners in many of our businesses as we need to pivot, roll with the punches and use creativity.

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A New Era – No Shoes is Expanding Again

A New Era – No Shoes is Expanding Again

Welcome Welcome Welcome!! - Over the past few years, I have been working to build a foundation to launch more and more amazing programs and offerings from No Shoes Nutrition. There have been many ups and down but today I can confidently say we are UP!! I would like to introduce you to Meghan Prescott.

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Transit Time Talk - Are you Pooping Enough?

Transit Time Talk - Are you Pooping Enough?

How Much Time Should It Take? - Are you Moving Fast Enough?

I did a little experiment. I ate some foods that would indicate how long things take to move through my body. This is called my transit time. The time it takes food to travel from my taste buds to the toilet. I was curious; would my dinner show up after breakfast? Would it take longer? I was fascinated to find out I had an almost 48-hour transit time! The slowest on the range of what is considered normal and for my goals, not at all optimal.

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Keto - The Weight Loss Wonder

Keto - The Weight Loss Wonder

Ready to Try Keto – Here are some tips! -

Whether you have been living the keto way of life for some time or you are just starting out, exploring your options, or interested in learning some more I have some tips that can make your keto transition easier. These are some things I wish I would have known when I started my own keto journey.

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Furious and Frustrate? How to eat for Calm?

Furious and Frustrate? How to eat for Calm?

Pandemic Pandemonium or Pandemic Pacified

It has become apparent that the tension in the air is rising. I have seen more and more videos of individuals losing their cool in what should be a simple conversation. I personally experienced a friend’s frustration at having to wait in line. She just got so frustrated she left the line and went home. When she got home, she was so mad at herself she ate a bag of chips! Things just spiraled from there.

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Candida Cleansing In a Crisis

Candida Cleansing In a Crisis

Week One Complete - Entering Week Two - Week one was my transition week. It was the week I slowly cut back on any sugar and simple carbohydrates in my diet and started adding some anti-microbial foods. I am happy to report that I did not have many effects, meaning I didn’t have any migraine headaches, just minor ones or extreme fatigue, just a bit lower energy.

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Am I Crazy? Candida Cleansing While Quarantined

Am I Crazy? Candida Cleansing While Quarantined

Ever Thought Candida Might be Your Problem? - Being stuck in my house, eating (okay, I’m going to admit it) less than 100% nutritious foods, I have been once again forced to come to terms with a flare-up of candida. Have you heard of it?

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COVID Is Here! Immune Support Part Two

COVID Is Here! Immune Support Part Two

Are there foods that can Strengthen My Immune System?

Last week we talked about what we needed to watch out for, what we needed to support our immune system with lifestyle-wise. What about the foods we eat? Did you know there are several foods that can support a healthy immune system response and help your body fight a good fight against viruses and bacteria including the presently dreaded COVID-19?

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COVID is Here! Is your Immune System Ready?

COVID is Here! Is your Immune System Ready?

Do you need to Boost your Immune System? - We are being bombarded with tips on washing hands, wearing masks and protecting ourselves from the outside to prevent the spread of COVID 19. But did you know there are some things you can be doing, while self-isolating, to build your immune system? Some things to help just in case you are exposed to this dangerous virus?

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Your Kids are Home – What do you feed them?

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Are you Struggling to Maintain Weight Loss? Here's Why!

Are you Struggling to Maintain Weight Loss? Here's Why!

Why maintaining Weight can be HARD!

There is a good deal of preparation that goes into changing your lifestyle and your food choices, maybe even your activities when you start to think about losing weight. How much thought goes into how to maintain that weight loss you worked so hard to achieve? Usually very little. I have personally NEVER heard of a weight-maintenance plan being offered. Well, until now…

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Want to Live Longer? Specific Foods to Add as You Age.

Want to Live Longer? Specific Foods to Add as You Age.

Here’s the Specifics on How to Live WELL Longer! - If you are ready to take some specific steps to ensure you are aging as well as you can, nutrition can play a BIG role in your energy levels, how well you digest and assimilate the foods you are eating to ensure your muscles, bones, and body systems are getting what they need so you can perform optimally each day.

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