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Want to Live Longer? Here's What You Need!

Want to Live Longer? Here's What You Need!

Live Longer AND Live Well Longer - There is a misconception out there that our health has improved because we are living longer. If you look at the statistics for Canada in 1970 the average lifespan was almost 73 years and as of 2019, that number has risen to 80 years for males and 84 years for females. But the question must be asked, are we living WELL longer?

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Prebiotic vs. Probiotics – Do I need to buy both?

Prebiotic vs. Probiotics – Do I need to buy both?

Probiotic vs. Probiotic - Have you heard about probiotics? These microbes are mostly found in your large intestine and are live bacteria and yeasts that are not only good for you but essential.

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Thirsty? Why not try a Switchel?

Thirsty? Why not try a Switchel?

What is Switchel? - Some people refer to this drink as the original sports drink. Others have had it passed down from generation to generation as a staple in their homes. But I’m betting the majority of us North Americans have never heard of this delicious treat. It’s sweet, it’s sour and there are many claims from generations back that Switchel has benefits beyond simple hydration.

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