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Supercharge Your Health: 10 Must-Eat Foods for 2025
Weight Loss, 2025, Gut Health, anti-inflammatory Megan Barefoot Weight Loss, 2025, Gut Health, anti-inflammatory Megan Barefoot

Supercharge Your Health: 10 Must-Eat Foods for 2025

Looking to boost your health and feel your best this year? The foods you choose to fuel your body with play a key role in your overall well-being. From nutrient-dense avocados and antioxidant-rich berries to gut-supporting fermented foods and heart-healthy fatty fish, these top 10 foods are packed with the vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats your body craves. Adding them to your daily routine can help you maintain steady energy, improve mood, and support long-term health goals.

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Still Scared of Fat? Here's Why you Need it for Stress!

Still Scared of Fat? Here's Why you Need it for Stress!

In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an inevitable part of life. From work demands to personal challenges, stress can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being. Fortunately, there's a natural and delicious way to combat stress: healthy fats. In this blog post, we'll explore the numerous benefits of incorporating healthy fats into your diet to help mitigate stress.

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Entrepreneurial Energy – How to Generate More!

Entrepreneurial Energy – How to Generate More!

Big Business Energy Busts - As a business owner and entrepreneur, I know firsthand what it takes to get a business up and running and the energy it takes to keep that business moving in the forward direction. Most of us here in Calgary were feeling the downturn of our local economy well before the beginning of 2020 and then shortly there after we shocked into a new reality with the onslaught of COVID-19. Stress is one of the partners in many of our businesses as we need to pivot, roll with the punches and use creativity.

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Can you see it? Where will you be NEXT January?

Can you see it? Where will you be NEXT January?

The Power of Visualization

January is just about to end and I’m curious about how the first month of the next decade has gone for you? I have made a little headway on my own goals and have put some new ideas into place but to be honest, not much has changed. Is this a pattern for you? Every few months are you starting over again? Trying something new? I do it because it’s my job, but for years I know I was doing it because it was my pattern.

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Hibiscus – Not Just A Beautiful Flower

Hibiscus – Not Just A Beautiful Flower

Ever Thought You Might Drink Your Garden?

Ever heard of the hibiscus flower? Have you ever thought about eating it or drinking it as a tea? I have been able to travel south where these flowers bloom daily and man do they smell beautiful! I hadn’t heard of eating or drinking them to improve my health until I was in Mexico a few years ago and had hibiscus tea.

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Are you Dealing With Inflammation?

Are you Dealing With Inflammation?

The subtle signs of Inflammation

In the past few weeks I have been trying to experiment with foods that I have cut out over the years to see if I could start introducing them back into my life. Some of these foods are “treats” that I wouldn’t eat on a daily basis but might like to enjoy on occasion and some of them are highly nutritious foods that I cut out because for me and my body, at that time, they were not making me feel my best.

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Ready to Feel Renewed? More Energy For All!!

Ready to Feel Renewed? More Energy For All!!

Today I would like to continue the discussion by introducing adaptogens. Adaptogens are plants which can come in the form of roots, leaves, mushrooms (technically fungi, I know) that can help your body normalize the stress chemicals you produce. This means that if your stress chemicals are high, these plants help lower them back to normal.

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The Sweet Truth about Honey

The Sweet Truth about Honey

Honey – The Sweet Sweet Truth!

Did you know that honey has been coveted as a natural sweetener long before processed sugar became widely available? It is a remarkable substance that has many health benefits besides a tasty sweetener for your tea and baking. No two honey jars contain the same sweet honey! There are over 300 kinds of honey, each with a unique color and flavor that is dependent on the nectar source.

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Sunshine or Bust!

Sunshine or Bust!

Sunshine, Happiness and Rainbows Everywhere!

I don’t know about you, but I am SUPER excited about the longer days! I find it easier to wake up in the morning and my energy levels are much improved. Is this a spring thing? An anticipation of warmer summer days or is there more to this phenomenon? It’s actually a brain thing. Sunlight stimulates your brain and does more for your health than you may guess.

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Summer is COMING!! Are you READY??

Summer is COMING!! Are you READY??

Summer is on the Horizon

Okay, so it’s only March, but let’s be honest, the New Years Resolution thing has worn off, the winter weather has had us huddled indoors for warmth, and we are beginning to crave sunshine, activity and maybe even…. salad!! Spring will be here, and then comes summer with short sleeves and exposed skin. Are you ready? Do you feel confident? I only bring this up because it’s just about now that spring fever hits and it’s a FANTASTIC time to change because the world around us will start to change and blossom very soon and why shouldn’t we change and blossom as well?

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Feel your Feelings to End Emotional Eating

Feel your Feelings to End Emotional Eating

Let’s talk about eating our feelings.

Too often we use food as a physical weapon to conjure a happier feeling within ourselves when things aren’t going well. Most of us were never taught to sit and feel our feelings or understand that if you do have a bad day it’s okay to feel bad. We are scared to feel our feelings and being surrounded by social media where everyone only takes pictures of themselves living their most amazing lives, does not help things.

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Are you Magnesium Deficient?

Are you Magnesium Deficient?

Could a Little Magnesium Solve Your Problems?

I have recently been learning more and more about the mineral magnesium. I have even been supplementing with it and have been finding the benefits are changing my health in great ways! As most of my readers know, I am a foods first holistic nutrition consultant. I will always recommend you try to get the foods high in magnesium before supplements but according to Health Canada nearly half the population is deficient in magnesium.

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Eat Yeast? Are you Serious?

Eat Yeast? Are you Serious?

What is Nutritional Yeast and Is it something I should be eating?

The first time I really learned about nutritional yeast was a couple years ago when reading a food label. What is this funny thing and isn’t yeast supposed to be in bread? I thought yeasty things were bad for my health not something I want in my food!

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The Great Vitamin D Debate!!

The Great Vitamin D Debate!!

Vitamin D – What is it and Why do I need it?

I keep hearing that summer is coming. Spring is apparently here but there is still snow in the forecast!! This gets me thinking about Vitamin D, the “sunshine” vitamin. I am supposed to be able to make this essential vitamin in my body by getting exposure to the sun. But, I live in the great white north so is it possible to get enough vitamin D from the sun when there are very few days when the sun seems to shine?

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Can Mindful Eating Change your Health?

Can Mindful Eating Change your Health?

What is mindful eating?

So often we eat without even thinking of what we're doing. We stuff food into our mouths while working on the computer, watching TV, or when we’re on the run. We’re all busy, I get it. Did you know that when we eat on the run and when we’re stressed digestion actually slows down and can even stop? You need to be in a relaxed state to optimize digestion.  When digestion is hampered symptoms like bloating, belching and indigestion can occur.   

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The Benefits of Raw Chocolate

The Benefits of Raw Chocolate

It's been a busy week! On Thursday night of last week, I was privileged to speak at the Telus Spark Adults Only Night. It was a session about food and...

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