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Protein and Weight Loss - What you need to Know!

Protein and Weight Loss - What you need to Know!

Proteins and Weight Loss – What you need to Know

There are three important macro-nutrients that we need to eat each day. Carbohydrates, fats (that’s right you NEED fat!) and protein. Protein makes up 20% of our body weight and is found in ALL food groups. When our body breaks up proteins to be absorbed into the body the building blocks are called amino acids. These amino acids are what we use to build that 20% of our body weight!

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How to Make your DREAM come True!

How to Make your DREAM come True!

How to Make your Dream come True!

The stories are everywhere, always uplifting, always inspiring:

  • The woman who created a wellness clinic in her inner-city neighborhood.

  • The man who lost 200 pounds after being housebound for a decade.

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Bone Broth - Is it worth all the hype?
Megan Barefoot Megan Barefoot

Bone Broth - Is it worth all the hype?

What’s all the hype about Bone Broth?

I have been getting a lot of questions about bone broth lately. Some people swear by it and others can’t stand it. What’s the deal? Where did all the hype come from and why are we now looking at bone broth as a super food of the future?

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Love Your Guts - Eat Fermented Foods!

Love Your Guts - Eat Fermented Foods!

Fermented Foods – Love Your Guts!!

If you’ve been on social media or even watching the news there has been lots of talk recently about fermented foods. Is this a new trend in the dieting roller coaster? Will there be a new fad diet using fermented food? I doubt it but wouldn’t put it past the media! Fermented foods have been around for centuries and have been dietary staples in many cultures!

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Traditional Diets

Traditional Diets

What we can Learn from Traditional Diets

In the 1930s, a Cleveland dentist named Weston A. Price, DDS, traveled to isolated parts of the world to study the dental health of people unaffected by Western civilization. His studies revealed that dental caries and deformed dental arches, which resulted in crooked teeth, were the result of nutritional deficiencies and not genetically inherited as previously believed.

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Fasting, Is it for You?

Fasting, Is it for You?

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is not a diet. It doesn’t cut calories or starve you. It changes “when” you eat not “what” you eat. It’s about cycling between periods of eating and periods of not eating. We all fast overnight while we sleep. That is how the name breakfast came about. It means break-the-fast.

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Deconstructing Cravings
Megan Barefoot Megan Barefoot

Deconstructing Cravings

What are you Craving?

Did you know that your body is a biocomputer? It knows when to go to sleep, when to wake up, and when to go to the bathroom. It maintains a temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, repairs itself when wounded, and knows the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth.  Your heart never misses a beat. Your lungs never miss a breath. The body is a super computer, and it never makes mistakes.

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The Great Vitamin D Debate!!

The Great Vitamin D Debate!!

Vitamin D – What is it and Why do I need it?

I keep hearing that summer is coming. Spring is apparently here but there is still snow in the forecast!! This gets me thinking about Vitamin D, the “sunshine” vitamin. I am supposed to be able to make this essential vitamin in my body by getting exposure to the sun. But, I live in the great white north so is it possible to get enough vitamin D from the sun when there are very few days when the sun seems to shine?

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The Incredible Kale!!

The Incredible Kale!!


Does kale really suck? I thought I would highlight a food that packs a HUGE nutritional punch but gets a bad rap for taste. Kale. It’s green, it’s rugged and many claim it has the taste of wet cardboard. But is that because you’re not preparing it correctly?

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Could it be Adrenal Fatigue?

Could it be Adrenal Fatigue?

Could it be Adrenal Fatigue?

Daily living can be stressful which can be hard on the adrenals.  Stress disrupts the homeostasis of the body and the body responds with the nervous system and with chronic stress the adrenal glands.  Prolonged stress can be VERY hard on the body and what is interesting is a lot of us don’t acknowledge our stress because we just handle our lives on a day-to-day basis.

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Can Mindful Eating Change your Health?

Can Mindful Eating Change your Health?

What is mindful eating?

So often we eat without even thinking of what we're doing. We stuff food into our mouths while working on the computer, watching TV, or when we’re on the run. We’re all busy, I get it. Did you know that when we eat on the run and when we’re stressed digestion actually slows down and can even stop? You need to be in a relaxed state to optimize digestion.  When digestion is hampered symptoms like bloating, belching and indigestion can occur.   

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Eat Veggies - Kill the Cravings

Eat Veggies - Kill the Cravings

Eat Veggies - Kill the Cravings

Almost everyone craves sweets. It’s only natural as our body’s use glucose (the simplest form of sugar) for energy.  But rather than depending on processed sugar, why not try to add naturally sweet foods to your daily diet to satisfy your sweet tooth?

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Seven Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Seven Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Boosting Brain Power

Are you doomed to slower reflexes and poor memory as you age? Science says, “Not necessarily!” Every person’s brain, like their body, is uniquely different. Not everyone is subject to the slowing down of mental faculties that tends to come with aging.

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The Importance of Goals and Having a Vision for Transformation
Megan Barefoot Megan Barefoot

The Importance of Goals and Having a Vision for Transformation


Health is not a goal but a launch pad. Goals provide the tools to clear the obstacles to vibrant, optimal health so that you can feel your best and be full of energy to accomplish your goals. You may not see that health is not a goal. You may want to get off sugar, lose weight, or have more energy, but for what?

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How to Avoid Exercise Injuries
Megan Barefoot Megan Barefoot

How to Avoid Exercise Injuries

How to Avoid Exercise Injuries

Exercise injuries are incredibly common but largely avoidable. By listening to your unique body and respecting your needs, you can avoid exercise related accidents. Have you ever pushed through a run even though your ankle really hurt? Or ignored that deep, nagging pain in your hips that’s been going on for months? Pushing through and ignoring your body almost always does more harm than good, and often leads to injury. 

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Exercise and Metabolism
Megan Barefoot Megan Barefoot

Exercise and Metabolism

Exercise and Metabolism

Exercising regularly is a fantastic way to support metabolic function and digestion. Do you notice the natural mood and energy lift you get after exercising? That means your metabolism is kicking in and your hormones are coming into balance. Both women and men need to keep their endorphins pumping and hormones humming to stay happy and healthy.

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The Benefits of Exercise
Megan Barefoot Megan Barefoot

The Benefits of Exercise

The Benefits of Exercise

A balanced diet is essential for a happy, healthy life, but without regular exercise, no amount of kale or quinoa will make up for a lack of movement. Just like certain foods protect us from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, regular physical activity has incredible benefits too. Without exercise, it’s hard to reach your full physical and mental potential.

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Exercise Tips for Busy People
Megan Barefoot Megan Barefoot

Exercise Tips for Busy People

Exercise Tips For Busy People

We are all SUPER busy and it takes time and effort to take care of your body. No argument here! But it’s incredibly important to find time to exercise. The benefits of exercise are too important to ignore.

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The Cleansing Nature of Water

We’ve been talking all about cleanses and detoxes this month, but did you know that your body can cleanse and detox itself. Yes, it can flush harmful substances out of your system ALL BY ITSELF!! But one important thing it does need from you is WATER!!

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Resolution Check In

Resolution Check In

Just curious about who has made a resolution this year? It’s the last week of January and I’m wondering if you have stuck to it this far. Have you had support? Was it a BIG goal or a little change that you have made? I decided to make a list of goals for the year with one for each month. I have been able to keep my goals for the month but am struggling with patience and can see why people don’t typically make it to the end of the month for resolutions and give up before things get going.

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