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Are Your Guts Leaky? Let's Find Out Why!

Are Your Guts Leaky? Let's Find Out Why!

Certain symptoms can be traced back to gut health and possibly leaky gut! The gut, or gastrointestinal system, is truly a gateway to overall health. The gut microbiome is an ecosystem of organisms including bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses, and protozoan throughout the digestive tract.

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What's Up With Dairy and Wheat?

What's Up With Dairy and Wheat?

The Diary and Wheat Debate

It’s very common for me to have a new client discuss with me their fears about having to give up staples in their diet. Some of these staples include wheat, dairy, corn and soy. I am shocked at how these healthy foods have gotten such a bad reputation! Recently there are even more that are being cast in a negative light like lentils and even bone broth!

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Alleviate Your Allergies

Alleviate Your Allergies

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?

It’s that time of the year when I see the red eyes, hear the sneezing and can tell there are people truly suffering from the change in seasons with excess mucus and congestion. I know this may surprise you, but did you know that there are specific foods that can help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal allergies?

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Protein and Weight Loss - What you need to Know!

Protein and Weight Loss - What you need to Know!

Proteins and Weight Loss – What you need to Know

There are three important macro-nutrients that we need to eat each day. Carbohydrates, fats (that’s right you NEED fat!) and protein. Protein makes up 20% of our body weight and is found in ALL food groups. When our body breaks up proteins to be absorbed into the body the building blocks are called amino acids. These amino acids are what we use to build that 20% of our body weight!

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