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Snack Smart: Power Up Your Kids with Nutrient-Packed After-School Fuel
Gut Health, Family Health, Weight Loss Megan Barefoot Gut Health, Family Health, Weight Loss Megan Barefoot

Snack Smart: Power Up Your Kids with Nutrient-Packed After-School Fuel

Wondering how to keep your kids fueled and satisfied after school without spoiling their dinner? This blog dives into the importance of nutrient-packed snacks, offering smart snack ideas that balance energy and nutrition. You'll also learn strategies to ensure healthy snacking doesn't interfere with their dinner appetite. Perfect for busy parents looking for easy, science-backed tips to support their children's health!

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Back to school: The Epic Lunch Struggles Continue!
Weight Loss, Gut Health, Family Health Megan Barefoot Weight Loss, Gut Health, Family Health Megan Barefoot

Back to school: The Epic Lunch Struggles Continue!

This week's blog is all about preparing your family for a healthy back-to-school season with easy-to-follow nutrition tips, lunch ideas, and snack suggestions. It emphasizes the importance of balanced meals, hydration, and involving kids in meal planning to set them up for success both in and out of the classroom. The blog also includes science-backed recommendations to help you make informed decisions about your family's nutrition as the school year begins.

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Fall Back Into Health: 10 Effortless Resets to Reclaim Your Wellness
Weight Loss, anti-inflammatory, Hydration Megan Barefoot Weight Loss, anti-inflammatory, Hydration Megan Barefoot

Fall Back Into Health: 10 Effortless Resets to Reclaim Your Wellness

"Reclaim Your Wellness This Fall: Discover 10 Effortless Tips for a Health Reset" Looking to reset your health as the seasons change? Our latest blog post offers 10 simple and actionable tips to help you refresh your nutrition and wellness this fall. From incorporating seasonal superfoods to embracing mindful eating habits, these strategies are designed to make your health journey both easy and effective. Ready to fall back into a healthier routine? Click here to learn more!

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Understanding Parasite Symptoms: A Holistic Approach and the Reality in North America
Gut Health, Weight Loss, anti-inflammatory Megan Barefoot Gut Health, Weight Loss, anti-inflammatory Megan Barefoot

Understanding Parasite Symptoms: A Holistic Approach and the Reality in North America

Parasites can be a hidden contributing factor to various health issues, even in North America. This blog delves into common symptoms of parasitic infections, including digestive problems, unexplained fatigue, skin issues, mental health challenges, and more. It also explores the healing journey of cleansing the body from parasites, detailing what to expect during this process, from detox symptoms to improved digestion and mental clarity. Preventative tips and maintenance strategies are provided to help avoid future infections. References from trusted sources like the CDC and WHO are included for further reading.

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Embracing Holistic Health: Understanding the Role of a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant
Nutrition, Holistic, Mindfulness Megan Barefoot Nutrition, Holistic, Mindfulness Megan Barefoot

Embracing Holistic Health: Understanding the Role of a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant

Holistic Nutrition: In this blog, we will discuss the core principles of holistic health, explore the differences between working with a certified holistic nutrition consultant and a registered dietitian, and understand why someone might choose the holistic route for their wellness journey.

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Antioxidant April – The Power of Phytonutrients

Antioxidant April – The Power of Phytonutrients

The Antioxidant Superhero’s You Might Not Have Heard About! - Welcome to week two of Antioxidant April. This week I would like to introduce you to phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are naturally occurring compounds that are found in plants. They are responsible for the color, flavor, and smell of fruits and vegetables and they are believed to have various health benefits when consumed as part of a healthy diet.

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Here we Grow Again!!

Here we Grow Again!!

Welcome to the Team Nicole Gibson!! - This week I would like to introduce the newest member of our No Shoes Nutrition team. Nicole Gibson graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology from the University of Western Ontario and has worked as a personal trainer in both a gym setting as well as at a Physiotherapy clinic assisting with patients’ rehabilitation exercises. Most recently, she graduated from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition to become a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant (C.H.N.C). Nicole excelled in school and found her passion!

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February Feelings - How Far Have You Come?

February Feelings - How Far Have You Come?

Let’s talk about Accountability - Today is 2/22/2022 which means that we are 53 days into the year. This means that if you set goals back in January you should be about seven weeks into working towards these goals and should have made some progress. So, let’s talk about where you are at.

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How to Get your Groove back:

How to Get your Groove back:

Back in the Saddle Again - We are creatures of habit! We can make changes to our diet and lifestyle, even major ones, but at some point, we can get complacent about it, or we get derailed by an event, and before we know it, we’re back to our old habits again.

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Motivation – Where oh Where Have You Gone?

Motivation – Where oh Where Have You Gone?

Are you struggling to get yourself going?

If there is one strong undercurrent I keep hearing and that has been implied over and over during the past few weeks it’s that people are losing their motivation during this strange time we are living. It’s harder to get out of bed, it’s hard to keep working out and it’s hard to keep eating healthy.

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Candida Cleansing In a Crisis

Candida Cleansing In a Crisis

Week One Complete - Entering Week Two - Week one was my transition week. It was the week I slowly cut back on any sugar and simple carbohydrates in my diet and started adding some anti-microbial foods. I am happy to report that I did not have many effects, meaning I didn’t have any migraine headaches, just minor ones or extreme fatigue, just a bit lower energy.

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Hibiscus – Not Just A Beautiful Flower

Hibiscus – Not Just A Beautiful Flower

Ever Thought You Might Drink Your Garden?

Ever heard of the hibiscus flower? Have you ever thought about eating it or drinking it as a tea? I have been able to travel south where these flowers bloom daily and man do they smell beautiful! I hadn’t heard of eating or drinking them to improve my health until I was in Mexico a few years ago and had hibiscus tea.

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Is Your Tongue Telling You Something?

Is Your Tongue Telling You Something?

Cracks or Red or Pink or White

Have you ever looked at your tongue? I mean really looked and inspected it? I have discovered over the past few years that your tongue can tell you a lot about your health. The mouth is the entrance point for many things; the air you breathe, the food you eat and lots of little bacteria and microbes. These are all important for our health and by looking in your mouth and inspecting your tongue you can learn some important things your body might be trying to tell you.

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The Sleep Review – Could I Keep Up?

The Sleep Review – Could I Keep Up?

Did Increasing my Sleep Help?

This past week I made a real effort to increase my sleep in an effort to help reach my health and wellness goals. I would like to report that I succeeded in every way, that I followed my own recommendations exactly. Unfortunately, life got in the way. It happens, I know it better than most but I will not give up! I had family visit from out of town, I had work that needed to get done and let’s face it, sometimes as a Mom, I just need a little quiet time and the evening/night is one of the only times I get that.

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What's Up With Dairy and Wheat?

What's Up With Dairy and Wheat?

The Diary and Wheat Debate

It’s very common for me to have a new client discuss with me their fears about having to give up staples in their diet. Some of these staples include wheat, dairy, corn and soy. I am shocked at how these healthy foods have gotten such a bad reputation! Recently there are even more that are being cast in a negative light like lentils and even bone broth!

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Bugs in Your Belly?? Read this!

Bugs in Your Belly?? Read this!

More about Candida…

In our last blog post we spoke about what having Candida means for your health and the symptoms you may be experiencing as a result of having this yeast overgrowth in your body. You can read all about it here https://www.noshoesnutrition.com/blog .

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Are you Dealing With Inflammation?

Are you Dealing With Inflammation?

The subtle signs of Inflammation

In the past few weeks I have been trying to experiment with foods that I have cut out over the years to see if I could start introducing them back into my life. Some of these foods are “treats” that I wouldn’t eat on a daily basis but might like to enjoy on occasion and some of them are highly nutritious foods that I cut out because for me and my body, at that time, they were not making me feel my best.

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Are you Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Today!

Are you Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Today!

10 Tips for Dealing with An Addiction to Sugar

We all love a little sugar, some of us may even love it A LOT! So, when do we know that things have gotten out of control? When do we know that sugar addiction is taking over and we are officially unable to live without it? Well, there are a few signs and symptoms to recognize when your sugar cravings are leading to more of an addiction rather than just a simple craving.

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Stressed? Adrenal Fatigue Continued...

Stressed? Adrenal Fatigue Continued...

Guidelines to help overcome adrenal fatigue

Last week’s blog covered what Adrenal Fatigue is and its many signs and symptoms. It is a very relevant topic today as many of our clients have or are experiencing various stages of this condition. Many people are constantly bombarded with stress. Stress from everyday life, family, relationships, work, finances, social media and the list goes on.

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Alleviate Your Allergies

Alleviate Your Allergies

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies?

It’s that time of the year when I see the red eyes, hear the sneezing and can tell there are people truly suffering from the change in seasons with excess mucus and congestion. I know this may surprise you, but did you know that there are specific foods that can help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal allergies?

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