No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Coach Calgary

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Sunshine or Bust!

Sunshine, Happiness and Rainbows Everywhere!

I don’t know about you, but I am SUPER excited about the longer days! I find it easier to wake up in the morning and my energy levels are much improved. Is this a spring thing? An anticipation of warmer summer days or is there more to this phenomenon? It’s actually a brain thing. Sunlight stimulates your brain and does more for your health than you may guess.

There are so many benefits to healthy exposure to sunlight. More than just a healthy glow. Ten to twenty minutes of sunscreen free sun exposure three times each week can contribute to your health in significant ways.

  1. It was a SAD long winter. There are numerous individuals that struggle every winter with seasonal affected disorder (SAD). On a lesser scale depression and depressed moods during the long winter months are common. Sunshine stimulates the hypothalamus to send signals to the pineal gland in the brain to secrete serotonin. Serotonin is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter and is linked to improved moods.

  2. Overeat no more. As discussed above, sunshine triggers the pineal gland to release serotonin which also helps with the regulation of appetite. The brighter the light the less hungry you will be. It has been proven that eating in dim light or late at night can lead to overeating and even bingeing.

  3. Sunshine helps you sleep. I know that doesn’t seem to sound right but sunlight entering the retina regulates the circadian rhythm of our body. By getting some sun exposure each day, your energy levels will increase during the daylight hours and the dim light of the evening and night will release melatonin for better sleep. To ensure you get your best sleep turn off lights and turn off the screens one to two hours before bedtime to improve your sleep even more!

  4. The Sunshine Vitamin. I think we’ve all heard by now that you need sunshine to get vitamin D. When your skin is exposed to sunshine (without sunscreen), cholesterol under the skin is used to make the all-important vitamin D. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that is required for the absorption of calcium which then affects our bone and dental health as well as growth. Getting enough vitamin D is also important for a strong immune system! (Ever wonder why most of us get sick less in the summer?)

  5. Healthy Glowing Skin. Remember that bronzed glow that used to be popular back in the day? Now there is skin cancers and fear of sunlight. There is a way to expose your skin in a healthy way to the sun and it is known to help with skin issues such as eczema, acne and psoriasis. A few minutes of sun exposure adds to your health as long as it’s in moderation. I do recommend that you cover your skin if you are outside for long periods as over exposure can contribute to aging of the skin, so hats are imperative!

The extra daylight stimulates me to get more done in my day. My energy levels go up and I feel better overall. The sunlight added to a detoxing menu of fresh nutritious spring and summer foods make me feel unstoppable in the spring and summer months.

Are you looking to get even healthier? Are you dealing with low energy and lack of sunlight? Could you use some support figuring out what foods you could add to your everyday to support getting your energy up? Curious about how nutritional health coaching can help you make healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with us today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  We work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!