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Pandemic Pandemonium or Pandemic Pacified

It has become apparent that the tension in the air is rising. I have seen more and more videos of individuals losing their cool in what should be a simple conversation. I personally experienced a friend’s frustration at having to wait in line. She just got so frustrated she left the line and went home. When she got home, she was so mad at herself she ate a bag of chips! Things just spiraled from there.

We have all had our routines and our way of life changed. This was kind of fun, like going on vacation, in the beginning. We hoarded toilet paper and let’s be honest here junk food! But with extra financial stresses, working from home and the kids at home 100% of the time, and feeling as though some of our basic freedoms have been taken away, everything can feel like it’s becoming too much. This is when the fuse gets short and the temper rises.

How are you dealing with these small inconveniences? It all feels so different. Uncomfortable…

I know for some of us food has been a comfort. It has been a safe place. Something we can control when the world around us feels so OUT of CONTROL. It has been difficult to get some of the staples we have been used to being able to pick up for a quick meal. Just the other day I was craving romaine lettuce (I know I’m weird, I’m okay with it.) and I had to go to two stores and settle on mixed baby greens. Was I craving the romaine because I couldn’t get it? Hmmm…..

Did you know there are some foods that can help you stay calm? They can help keep you chill and relaxed when life throws us curveballs. There are also a few things we should steer clear of when the going gets tough. Foods that can mess with our moods and increase the chances of us not being able to keep our cool.

First, let’s start with the foods to avoid.

Caffeine – Notice I said caffeine and not coffee. Many people are worried that they are going to have to give up their “cuppa joe” but what I worry more about is the stimulant effects of caffeine. Stimulants spike adrenaline levels in the body contributing to anxious feelings and mood dysregulation. Keeping stimulants to a minimum can help keep moods more stable.

Sugar – Another stimulant but this time the moods are affected by the energy highs and lows that come with candy, pop, pastries, and refined carbohydrates. The effects of sugar also contribute to inflammation in the body. When the body is inflamed it’s hard to perform your best and to put on a happy face in a difficult situation.

The bottom line, to feel your best mentally it’s important to put real whole foods in your body. To feel calm and collected there are a few specific foods with specific nutrients to make sure you consume.

The first recommendation is salmon. Fatty fish like salmon have both omega 3 fatty acids. The fatty acids of salmon have both EPA and DHA. These awesome fats help regulate the neurotransmitters in the brain that can help keep us calm. These healthy fats also positively influence the microbiome of the gut and the microbiome helps make serotonin for feeling happiness.

Another food that I recommend is getting plenty of green leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli, and spinach. These veggies have a multitude of nutrients but one of the most important nutrients for calm is the magnesium. Magnesium is known as the anti-stress mineral and if you deal with anxious feelings this might be something you consider supplementing as well.

Another great addition to help keep your calm is green tea. Green tea has L-theanine which has been known to help increase GABA and serotonin which are neurotransmitters that help keep you feeling happy and calm. I personally like to start my day with a little mint green tea. Yes, it does have a bit of caffeine but much less than a big mug of coffee.

And finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention how important dark raw chocolate is to mental wellness. Besides just the blissful taste that makes everything better, dark chocolate has been studied for its effects at boosting neurotransmitters as well as reducing stress hormones. It’s truly a gift that can help make everything all better for those moments when it melts on your tongue.

Are you looking to get even healthier? Are you concerned about supporting your health in this time of stress? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit www.noshoesnutrition.com and sign up for a FREE consultation.  I work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!

Megan Barefoot

Megan Barefoot is a certified holistic nutrition consultant and health coach with a bachelor’s degree in science. Her passion for health and wellness led to the creation of No Shoes Nutrition, where she helps clients achieve their wellness goals through personalized nutrition plans and holistic approaches. No Shoes Nutrition specializes in weight loss, gut health, and reducing inflammation so that clients can live a fuller, more vibrant life.


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