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Did You Resolve to the Same Resolution Again this Year?

New Years Accountability

by Penny DeJager and Megan Barefoot

It’s two weeks into 2019 and it’s time to check in and see if you are still following your resolution. I had one friend resolve to a “dry January” and has slipped up already. This friend didn’t just slip up, they gave up. Another friend was going cold turkey on sugar. They lasted ten days and gave in to half a chocolate bar to deal with the withdrawal headaches. Big goals can mean Big results but they might also need Big support!

Do you know what most people resolve to do each year? Eating healthier and getting more exercise! But how do those who make these resolutions stick to them?

Here are some practical guidelines for ringing in the New Year with realistic resolutions:

  1. Do you remember our blog on SMART goals? It’s important to make your resolutions (or any goal for that matter) “SMART”, which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. It’s easy to over do the goals and not have a plan to get you to the finish line. “A resolution without a plan equates to nothing more than a wish or a dream.”

  2. Break up your resolution into smaller goals. Thinking about the finish line can be overwhelming and stressful. By breaking the BIG goal into smaller action steps it can make things feel much more attainable. Goals for healthy eating and exercise take time and commitment. Start with something like purging your pantry of processed foods and start to replace with healthier options. Start moving more each day building up to 3-5 times a week of some cardiovascular exercise is another great step towards success.

  3. Tell the world what your resolution is! Friends and family can support you better if they know you are endeavoring to change your lifestyle. To get even more support you might think about hiring help. Personal trainers and/or a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant/Health Coach can help keep you on track and cheer you on? They can also provide valuable tools to aid your success like whole food recipes, meal planning and lifestyle suggestions. Making your goals and plans known may have a secondary effect! It may motivate others around you to set their own goals or stick with the ones they’ve made.

  4. Watch out for the “all or nothing” mindset. When things don’t go as planned and you “slip up”, “cheat” or “fall off the wagon”. Remember, it’s totally OK, it happens to the best of us, but it’s important to keep at it. Keep pushing yourself and as you achieve one resolution or goal, set a new one to keep moving forward. Steer clear of negative thoughts and try to begin each day with a positive attitude. Remember change can be hard and stressful, but believe you can do it! Keep a list of your accomplishments. Celebrate your successes along the way, no matter how small.

“Approach the new year with resolve to find the opportunities hidden in each day!”- Michael Josephson

Do you want to get even healthier? Would you like to know more about how you can begin to get to the root issues holding you back from reaching your health and wellness goals? Let’s chat about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes so that you can feel your best every single day. We can provide recipes, meal and snack ideas and support changes to transform your health! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with us today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  We work with individuals from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!