No Shoes Nutrition—Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant & Coach Calgary

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Prebiotic vs. Probiotics – Do I need to buy both?

Probiotic vs. Probiotic

Have you heard about probiotics? I’m pretty sure that most of us have but just in case you’ve haven’t, probiotics are good-for-you microbes that live in your intestinal system. These microbes are mostly found in your large intestine and are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you. Researchers are still working out all the things these “gut bugs” (as I like to call them) do for you but some of the ways we do know they help keep us health include keeping your bowel movements and elimination regular, they help keep our mood stable, support healthy cholesterol levels and help support our immune systems.

We can get probiotic bacteria in several ways. You can find them in supplement form at your local health food store. When you purchase a probiotic try to include as many strains as you can and switch them up often. As with most supplements, you get what you pay for so look for a quality brand that you trust. Another way you can add beneficial bacteria is to add fermented foods to your diet. There a variety of lactic acid fermented foods like sauerkraut, fermented beets, and truly fermented pickles. There are other fermented foods like miso, tempeh, kefir, kimchi, and yogurt. These ferments add probiotics to your body without having to swallow a pill. Some may even argue that eating these foods is even more powerful than taking probiotics as a supplement form.

Recently there has been a lot of talk about prebiotics. I have seen them advertised in the media and on the packaging of certain foods. What’s even more interesting to me is that they are now being included with probiotic supplements. Here’s the thing though, most people are aware of the benefits of probiotics but very few know what a prebiotic is or if they need them.

Let’s break down the word prebiotic. “Pre” meaning before and “biotic” meaning life. So basically, it’s the stuff the probiotics need to live. It’s food for the probiotic bacteria in your gut. So back to the burning question. Do you need prebiotics? Absolutely! BUT…. Do you need to buy them? Absolutely not!

Prebiotics are plant fibers that the probiotics need. This means that all you need to do in ensuring you eat a variety of plant foods in the form of fruits and vegetables to get all the prebiotics you need to feed a healthy microbiome. Some of the best sources for the healthy bacteria in your gut include artichokes, asparagus, slightly green banana’s, oats and barley, as well as garlic and onions (especially raw). Like I mentioned earlier, I have recently noticed advertising for prebiotics in products like baby formula, yogurt, cookies, and cereal. If you are eating a good variety of fruits and veggies and getting lost of fiber in your diet, there is no reason to pay extra for foods that now include prebiotics.

One last tip, if you find that foods like these prebiotic foods lead to a little more gas and bloating than you would prefer, that is your signal to increase those probiotic foods to ensure you have the proper gut microbes to break down these difficult fibers for you!

Want to get even healthier? Do you want to learn more about how to add proper probiotics and prebiotics to your menu? Could you use some support figuring out what foods you could add to your every day to support better gut health? Curious about how health coaching can help you make healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  I work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!