No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Coach Calgary

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COVID 19, Self-Isolation, Quarantine – How Are You Coping?

How Are You Doing? Really Doing?

It’s been two LONG weeks. Two weeks of working from home, kids home from school, parents attempting to educate their kiddos and maintain some kind of normal. How is everyone doing? Have you had a chance to evaluate how well you and your family are coping? This is a whole lot of change all at one time and now might be the perfect time to take a good look at what kind of coping mechanisms you are using to offset some of the building stress.

Here at No Shoes Nutrition, I talk a lot about what feeds us. This topic has many factors to it. There is more to what feeds us than just the nutrition on our dinner plates. It has to do with relationships, our careers, physical activity, and even our spiritual connections. In times of stress, it’s only natural to look for comfort. This is exactly why we start craving sweets and carbs. It’s because these foods release endorphins in the brain and help us feel joy. But before you reach for your next slice of cold pizza at 10:30 pm tomorrow night, try to think about what EXACTLY you might be hungry for.

During this time of social isolation, we are having fewer conversations, we can’t shake hands or get hugs from friends. I have noticed my kids are even a little clingier. Did you know that experts suggest that we get a minimum of 8 hugs a day to maintain optimal mental health? A good long hug releases the same endorphins as chocolate cake and sugary treats. Even before isolation were you getting that many? Something to think about!

Another strategy for dealing with stress instead of reaching for the candy and donuts is adding some adaptogens to your day-to-day routine. Adaptogens are herbs and mushrooms that can help your body adjust to high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your body. My personal favorite is Holy Basil tea every evening when the munchies hit, but there are plenty of others to choose from. If you have trouble sleeping, chamomile tea might work for you, if stress is contributing to fatigue, try some Rhodiola tea might be a great addition.

The message that I want to get across this week is that during stressful times our body can give us mixed up signals. It’s up to us to listen, really listen to what our body, mind, and soul are asking for. Sometimes that might be a hug, a talk with a good friend, a warm cup of tea or let’s face it a big ol’ chunk of dark chocolate.

Do you need support figuring out what your body is asking for? Are you trying to get your stress cravings under control? Are you ready to make this a time of transformation instead of a time of stress? Let’s chat about how holistic nutrition consulting and health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes so that you can feel your best every single day. I can provide recipes, meal and snack ideas and support changes to transform your health! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  I work with women from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!