
There are detoxes and cleanses galore on the market these days!  As we begin the New Year and are looking to jump start our health goals for 2018 I am getting a lot of questions around cleanses and detoxes so I thought I would answer some today.

What is a detox? Detoxes are usually centered around the liver and/or the kidneys.  They focus on removing harmful chemicals and toxins as these two organs are filters for our body. The liver and kidneys are constantly working, so in a sense we are already “detoxing” several times per day. With that in mind, the best way to detox is to support these essential organs to work at their optimal level. We want to enhance our body’s own detoxification pathways, while eliminating any negative effects on the body from pesticides and additives in our food.

What is a cleanse?  A cleanse is exactly what it sounds like, we are trying to clean out our digestive tract.  We cleanse our body on the outside each day but how often do we think about cleansing the inside?  A cleanse aims to rid the body of undigested food particles, toxins and parasites.  With a cleanse you aim to provide nourishment for the body while releasing what is no longer needed.

When should I use a detox or a cleanse? Simply, detoxes can be used when your body is overloaded with toxins. These toxins present differently in each person.  Some common signs include troubled skin, issues with weight and constantly lacking energy. For cleansing, some people like to cleanse 1-4 times per year.  It’s becomes apparent that a cleanse might be needed if you experience intestinal symptoms, problems concentrating, fatigue or even bad breath and body odor. 

When should you not detox or cleanse? There are times when these programs are not recommended and that is when your body is already stressed with other health issues.  You should ALWAYS talk to a health professional before starting a detox or a cleanse unless the it is based on a simple clean eating regime that does not severely restrict nutrient rich foods. 

No Shoes Nutrition is offering just that, a nutrient rich, clean eating detoxing cleanse for the months of January and February as a way of kicking off a health eating 2018.  There are no supplements or gimmicks but just a simple 2 week eating program to help get you focused on your health goals for the coming year.  If you are interested in learning more e-mail me at  With the purchase of the detoxing cleanse is a booklet of 20 delicious smoothies all for $40 + tax.  I am eager to get you started on a healthier 2018!

Megan Barefoot

Megan Barefoot is a certified holistic nutrition consultant and health coach with a bachelor’s degree in science. Her passion for health and wellness led to the creation of No Shoes Nutrition, where she helps clients achieve their wellness goals through personalized nutrition plans and holistic approaches. No Shoes Nutrition specializes in weight loss, gut health, and reducing inflammation so that clients can live a fuller, more vibrant life.

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January 1st - Happy New Year!!