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Want More Energy? - 5 Nutrients You Can Add Today!!

Who could use a little more energy?

One of the biggest complaints of the women that I work with is that they just don’t have enough energy. They struggle to get out of bed and moving in the morning and by the time they are done work and getting home to make themselves dinner they are wiped out. This leads a lot of them to reach for easy to prepare processed meals or going out for fast food. There must be an answer! Why are all these women SO tired? 

There are some key nutrients that are needed by the body to produce our much-needed energy and I can tell you right now that fast food and processed meals are not providing the necessary energy yielding building blocks for the body to produce a powerhouse of energy. And so, begins the vicious circle of no energy, poor food choices and then less energy, around and around we go. It can stop though, all it takes is a little dedication to feeding your body what it needs to produce the energy you need to get you through the day.

I complied a list of 5 of the most important nutrients and where we can get them to begin the journey to getting the energy back to make it through the day. I must warn you, this does mean that real, natural, unprocessed foods will have to become a regular addition to your everyday menu. It means you will have to suck it up buttercup and start to take care of yourself. But the pay offs are HUGE! By adding these nutrients and whole foods you will actually be able to wake up earlier and fall asleep at night. You will have the energy to cook your own food and maybe even fit in a little workout because you won’t be completely drained. In fact, you may actually get that to-do list done because you will not only have more energy but more stamina too!!  Crazy right!?!

So here they are, the best nutrients for creating energy in your body to fuel you through the day!

  1. WATER – I know, I know, this isn’t sexy, this isn’t ground breaking, this isn’t even new so tell me this, why isn’t everyone drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day? The human body is composed of 75-80% water, it’s essential that we hydrate. Water is cheap, it’s fast and available so let’s get drinking! Water will cleanse, help you control your body temperature, help regulate kidney function and will help with cell integrity. Dehydration drains energy and you will become drowsy! Remember that caffeine and alcohol will dehydrate you so if you consume either one of these you will have to replenish with a little extra H2O!
  2. B-vitamins – Yes, that’s right, ALL of them! They work synergistically in the body to produce ATP and when you don’t have enough, your cellular respiration (the making of energy) will slow down! These vitamins help with the conversion of the food we eat, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, to energy. Vitamin B12 is important to note as it is mostly found in animal foods so if you are vegetarian and especially if you are vegan you should consider supplementing this B-vitamin. The other B-vitamins can be found in whole foods like red meat, fish, eggs, dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds as well as the ever-popular avocado!!
  3. Iron – Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies with almost 10% of North American women deficient in this important mineral. Iron helps transport oxygen through the blood. It helps metabolize protein and plays a role in production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Watch out if you are taking high levels of calcium as this can prevent the uptake of iron from foods. Vitamin C on the other hand can help with the absorption. Some whole foods you can find iron in, include grass fed and finished meat products, spinach, broccoli, beans and lentils as well as pumpkin seeds.
  4. Magnesium – Surprisingly less known, magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body. We need it to regulate over 300 biochemical reactions including energy production. If you are eating lots of green leafy vegetables you are likely doing okay in this department. If you struggle with your greens, magnesium can also be found in fish, almonds and whole grains. If you deal with muscle cramping, or trouble sleeping you can also get some magnesium by having an Epsom Salt bath. I recommend doing this before bed as magnesium is the “anti-stress” mineral and will help you relax and unwind for a good night’s sleep.
  5. Potassium - Potassium is important because it is an electrolyte that regulates your blood pressure, muscle activity, and water retention. Without it you would experience feeling weakness which will prevent you from being able to be active. It also helps your cells produce energy, so a deficiency can leave you feeling tired and fatigued. Potassium can be found in bananas, avocados, lentils, sweet potatoes and spinach.

Want to get even healthier? Want help figuring out how to feel more energy to get more done in your day-to-day life? Want to stop feeling the energy lows and chronic energy drain every evening? Curious about how health coaching can help you on your journey to optimal health? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  I work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!