No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Coach Calgary

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The Benefits of Exercise

The Benefits of Exercise

A balanced diet is essential for a happy, healthy life, but without regular exercise, no amount of kale or quinoa will make up for a lack of movement. Just like certain foods protect us from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, regular physical activity has incredible benefits too. Without exercise, it’s hard to reach your full physical and mental potential.

These are just SOME of the benefits of physical activity because our bodies were meant to move!!

  • Controls weight - move more, burn more!
  • Lowers blood pressure - double whammy with amazing foods!
  • Improves quality of sleep - if you can't sleep, try moving more during the day!
  • Delays loss of muscle mass - this is especially true when trying to drop a few pounds!
  • Improves balance and coordination - important now, but especially important as we age!
  • Improves flexibility - there's a lot more to flexibility than meets the eye, tying your own shoes is a functional movement you need to be able to reach your feet for!!
  • Improves digestion - YES!  Keeps the food moving through us! Reduces constipation too!
  • Reduces osteoporosis - One way to build bone is to build muscle through exercise!
  • Reduces joint stress and back pain - This is like oiling that squeaky bike that hasn't been used in years!  
  • Decreases risk of heart disease - The heart is a muscle too that is used when working out!
  • Improves heart health and decreases existing damage - circulation improves!
  • Decreases inflammation - there's more oxygen in the body, more endorphins, life is good!
  • Improves immune function - Your lymph houses your immune system and it circulates with the help of movement!  
  • Improves liver health - When there is more circulation and more elimination, the liver thrives!
  • Improves insulin sensitivity and reduces risk of type 2 diabetes - Burn that excess sugar for energy and the blood sugar will go down.
  • Increases energy and reduces risk of depression, anxiety,  and stress - Exercise increases the happy hormones!
  • Improves cognitive function - Focus and concentration improve so all areas of your life improve!

It’s important to remember that bio-individuality applies to food as well as exercise, as no one form of exercise will work for everyone. Some people do better with gentler, centering exercise, while others require vigorous activity. Experiment with walking, running, biking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, dancing, and simple strength exercises like planks and squats – your options are endless. When you find what works for you, you’ll be more likely to do it consistently and reap the benefits, including increased energy, improved mental clarity, optimal digestive health, and better mood. Exercise also produces the feel-good hormone serotonin, which has an uplifting effect on your entire body. Discover what you love and stick with it.

So, what’s the secret to a successful and consistent exercise routine? Accountability! Whether you rely on a coach, friend, family member, trainer, or simply your own willpower to keep you in check, having a goal system to track your progress is crucial. Record each time you exercise and how you feel, then check in once a week.

Don’t forget to honor your great work with self-care – a massage, long walk, or watching your favorite TV show guilt-free during your rest day.  Acknowledge all the types of exercise you do. Don’t feel like yoga is a workout? It is! Feel like you need to run 10 miles to make it count? Less than a mile in, your endorphins are already soaring. Once you find what works for you and start noticing all the benefits you’re gaining, exercise will be second nature and your body will thank you for it.

“The body heals eight times faster when  you exercise regularly.” - Kris Carr

Want to get even healthier? Want help figuring out how to fit exercise into your daily routine? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  I work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!