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Stressed? Adrenal Fatigue Continued...

Guidelines to help overcome adrenal fatigue

Last week’s blog covered what Adrenal Fatigue is and its many signs and symptoms. It is a very relevant topic today as many of our clients have or are experiencing various stages of this condition. Many people are constantly bombarded with stress. Stress from everyday life, family, relationships, work, finances, social media and the list goes on. When I was 40, it took a while to figure out what was happening with my body when I ended up in bed for 6 weeks utterly exhausted. My regular doctor decided quickly that I was just run down and maybe even depressed. I was not satisfied with that “diagnosis” as my mind was still feeling pretty good but my body was not. This lead me down a path of self-advocating and researching out my symptoms to discover it was adrenal fatigue. This is still a journey for me as many strategies have to work together to slowly help someone overcome adrenal fatigue.  Even when you start to feel better, several lifestyle changes have to be followed so that it doesn’t happen to you again and again. Prevention is the key!

Here are a few recommendations for dealing with adrenal fatigue;

1.       Eliminate all foods that contribute to inflammation and sensitivities such as processed and refined foods, sugar, gluten and hydrogenated oils.

2.       Consume a whole food diet that is anti-inflammatory, full of nutrient dense proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to ensure balanced blood sugar.

3.       Try some natural supplements to help with your stress response such as magnesium and B vitamins.

4.       Focus on hydration. With adrenal fatigue dehydration is common because many minerals get depleted in the body. Add a pinch of Himalayan salt to your water to help.

5.       Improve your sleep habits. Commit to a regular good quality sleep routine going to bed at same time and awakening at same time. This rhythm is important in recovery. Naps are okay too!

6.       Practice some stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, regular massages and deep breathing. Also learning to say NO so that you have time for self-care and refueling your tank.

7.       Maintain physical exercise but nothing too strenuous. Activities like light cardio, yoga and tai chi are great. Avoid heavy weight training or long duration activities until you have more energy.

8.       Treat dysbiosis. The gut needs to be soothed and the microbiome needs to be balanced as people with adrenal fatigue have digestion and absorption functions. The use of fermented foods and probiotic supplements can help.

9.       Get out in nature. Exposure to Vitamin D will aid in recovery and nature is a great place to get in touch with yourself again.

These are some general guidelines to get you started in coping with adrenal fatigue. Next blog will cover some important foods and supplements that are called adaptogens. These foods can support you in stressful times and we’ll share why! Do You Want to get even healthier? Want help figuring out how to feel more energy to get more done in your day-to-day life? Want to stop feeling the effects of adrenal fatigue? Curious about how health coaching can help you on your journey to optimal health? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with us today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  We work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!