No Shoes Nutrition—Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant & Coach Calgary

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Day Twenty-Six - Holiday Health Challenge

Do Nothing

What is happening? Yesterday I recommended that we all indulge and now we’re not doing any activity today!?! That’s right, we’re going to take a day of rest. It is not traditionally what Boxing Day is about but it’s what I recommend we do. I always thought Boxing Day was named as the day we get rid of the boxes all the presents came in on Christmas Day. I never thought anything more nor did think to do any other research. 

Did you know that Boxing Day is a holiday in the United Kingdom and many countries (including Canada) that were once part of the British Empire. The origin of this holiday's name is not entirely clear. A long time ago in the United Kingdom, the lords of their manors would 'pay' the workers with boxes of practical goods, such as agricultural tools, food and cloth. These were often distributed on the day after Christmas Day. More recently, employers traditionally gave their servants a gift of money or food in a small box on the day after Christmas Day. Some people in Canada still give gifts to people who provide them with services.

Other stories relate to servants being allowed to take a portion of the food left over from the Christmas celebrations in a box to their families and the distribution of alms from the church collection boxes to poor parishioners. These traditions evolved into the Christmas baskets that some employers distribute to their employees during the holiday season and at the end of the year.

These traditions are far from what I see happening in our society today.  There are frantic shoppers out hoping to get deals on goods. There are lines in shopping malls and traffic galore! I know there are some that truly LOVE this thrill but my suggestion is to stay home, stay warm, and rest. 

“Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing.” ~Lao Tzu

It has been a busy season. We have worked hard to prepare at work and at home to have some down time. Lets be sure we take it. A little time off can result in greater productivity later, your brain depends on down time and it helps to regain control of your attention. It can be scary as we’re used to having our minds occupied all the time. It is rare that we take time to pause, reflect and just think. 

As we do nothing today it can simply mean taking time to watch. What is happening around you? Take time to listen, really listen. Take time to stare into space. What is going on in your own head?  Are you aware of your own thoughts?  Most important, let the “nothing” be uncomfortable.  See what comes to you…. 

I can’t wait to hear what comes out of this nothing.  I can’t wait to hear my own thoughts in a quite space today.  I look forward to hearing what you discover in your own nothing.  Happy Boxing Day!!