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Day Twenty-Four - Holiday Health Challenge

Be Kind

It’s Christmas, a time of giving, a time of receiving, a time of peace and joy. That seems so obvious on the outside. We put on a happy face and bravely face the world. But what are your inner thoughts saying to you? Are you kind to yourself? We have been working together all month to focus on being aware, on making the best choices and being prepared. But what do you tell yourself when that doesn’t happen? Are you kind?

We are our own worst critics. We, especially us women (but not always), hold ourselves to standards that we would expect no one else to achieve. This is good in some ways as it keeps us accountable and focused. It can also contribute to depressed moods and feelings of failure.

Today I want you to remember how far you have come this month. Know that the goal is NOT TO BE PERFECT. The goal is health and well-being and that includes your mental health.  Acknowledge your successes! For some, this might just mean showing up each day. (A huge commitment in and of itself!) For others, it might mean keeping tabs a little more seriously.  You know yourself best.  Think back to December 1st, were you as prepared then as you are now for tackling the holidays? Have you learn anything along the way? Has anything surprised you?

I mention this today of all days because it’s Christmas Eve. Tomorrow, for so many, there will be gatherings and food and distractions. There is a time and a place to let your guard down and just be yourself and be free. If that’s not on Christmas day surrounded by those who I hope are loved ones, then when is it? There will be times all year that the temptation is more than the will. My sister is sending one of my Favorited treats, I know it’s coming, I will NOT beat myself up when I eat it.  It’s going to be AMAZING!! 

Please remember to be kind to yourself. Give yourself permission to relax and be at ease. You have lots of tools now to make good decisions but remember to forgive yourself if you feel you slipped. Life is not about falling, it’s about your reaction and what kind of grace you can muster to get back up.  Merry Christmas Eve to all that are celebrating.  I appreciate your presence as much as a present on this very special day.  Much love to you and yours!