No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Coach Calgary

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Day Twenty-Five - Holiday Health Challenge

Everything in Moderation

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! It’s the BIG day and I wouldn’t be surprised if you are all too busy with family and friends to comment here. I would completely understand. I am just gearing up with my family to open presents and feast the night away. Today is a special day for me in SO many ways. It’s one of the only days I DO NOT practice moderation. What? That’s right. I stick to the philosophy of “Everything in Moderation – Including Moderation”. To day is the day I throw caution to the wind. I count nothing, I am not aware, and I just put 100% of my attention into living in the present moment, trying new things and putting little to no worry into what I am putting into my mouth.

How can this be you ask? Well, it can get exhausting. I too love treats and cakes and cookies and fudge. I don’t ever want to feel as though I am not deserving or deprived. I plan days throughout the year that I look forward to indulging. I know all the other days of the year that these days are coming and on those days, I splurge so I never need to feel like I can’t participate. Think about how far we have come, think about all the plans we have formed to set us up for this day of fun indulgence!! We don’t need to gorge ourselves, we know there are going to be days though out the year with other treats, we’re just not going to think about it. We’re going to relax, enjoy and have fun with our family and friends!

Today is a day of celebration and a day to spend fully engaged in the celebratory feelings around us. I am grateful and blessed that you are all reading and commenting on my blogs each day. I am feeling festive and merry today so I’m going to keep this short and sweet.  Merry Christmas to all of you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your presence here on this of all days!  Now go enjoy!!