No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Coach Calgary

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Day Twenty-Eight - Holiday Health Challenge

Know You’re Supported

Yesterday we spent some time thinking about goals. Maybe we have some simple tweaks to make to our daily lives or we may have lofty goals to achieve in 2018. Regardless, where is your support coming from? Who is going to help you stay accountable and living your intention?  How do you want to be supported? Do you need to join a group to quit a habit? Should you talk to your doctor before hand? These are important things to remember and to get in place before starting. 

We have all heard the “Golden Rule” – Do unto others as you would have done unto you. In my experience though this is not always true but I wonder if that’s because I settle for less in return than what I give. Relationships should be an equal exchange of energy but how does one go about getting the support they need to reach their goals?

  1. Support Yourself First – If the people closest to you see you putting in effort to change or to reach a goal, they will know you are serious about it. Its okay to support yourself by using a firm “NO” when asked to deviate from the path to your goal. Its best to schedule the time you need to reach your goal, even if that may seem selfish at times.
  2. Tell people your goals and ASK for support. Be specific about your needs and expectations. Ask the other people in your home and even your work place to support you in specific ways. The more specific you can be the more likely they will understand what you need from them.
  3. Support others around you trying to reach their own goals. If you expect the support of other people then it’s always a great idea to support others. It can also be useful to partner with someone who has similar goals to act as accountability partners for each other.
  4. Get some outside help.  This depends on your specific goal but if your family and friends are not as supportive as you need then there are professionals that can support you in your time of change. For example, if you need nutrition support you can call a nutrition consultant like myself! There are life and business coaches, personal trainers, naturopathic doctors for more serious health goals, chiropractors, counselors and many more.

Do you feel that you have the support you need to reach your New Years resolution?  Who is your biggest supporter in your life?  Don't be afraid to ask for help. Working as a team can make very BIG tasks seem less overwhelming. Speaking of BIG challenges, it is getting close to the end of the year and we are getting close to the end of this challenge!  Keep up the amazing comments!  I will be announcing the winner in the January Newsletter so be sure to check it out January 1st!!