No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Coach Calgary

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COVID Is Here! Immune Support Part Two

Are there foods that can Strengthen My Immune System?

Last week we talked about what we needed to watch out for, what we needed to support our immune system with lifestyle-wise. What about the foods we eat? Did you know there are several foods that can support a healthy immune system response and help your body fight a good fight against viruses and bacteria including the presently dreaded COVID-19?

The easiest place to start is by giving your body healthy and nutritious foods to be strong and stand up to the bullies of the body like viruses. We talked about the detriments of sugar-laden foods and processed foods last week so let’s concentrate on the foods that will support us and should be made part of a daily routine.

First off, you need to drink lots of pure water. If you get bored you can add a splash of lemon or apple cider vinegar. The body needs clean filtered water in almost every chemical process of your metabolism and in your lymphatic system which is the circulatory system of your body that mostly houses your immune system. Second, antioxidants. These fantastic nutrients are found in raw fruits and veggies. They include vitamins A, E, C as well as the mineral selenium. Vitamin C is famously known to be found in citrus fruits but if these don’t work into your dietary regime then try some red peppers, kiwi, cherries or kale! Vitamin E is found in lots of nuts and seeds. Selenium is also found in nuts like Brazil nuts. You can make a trail mix using a variety of nuts and seeds and have it for a little afternoon snack with almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds. For some vitamin A (retinol) you can enjoy some eggs (yolks), green peas and liver. For beta carotene, that your body can convert to retinol, carrots and sweet potatoes are fantastic!

If you have jumped on the avocado bandwagon that’s great news for your immune system. Avocados have lots of B vitamins which can increase the number of immune cells and help with antibody production. They are also high in fiber which supports healthy elimination to help your body remove toxins and pathogens which can suppress your immune function. The healthy fats from the avocado are also important for the immune system so having some avocado every day is well worth it!

Vitamin D is also super important. We can get vitamin D from healthy sun exposure but it’s been pretty hard to do that here in Calgary lately. Some foods to include with vitamin D include wild-caught fatty fish like salmon and cod. Eggs also have some vitamin D along with cremini mushrooms and grass-fed and finished beef. Vitamin D modulates part of the immune response and

Probiotics are another essential component to support our immune systems. Without healthy helpful organisms to protect and support us, our body can not fully fight at it’s best. The microbiome of our body will help protect us. The symbiotic bacteria in and on our body help us fight off pathogens like viruses. Taking a supplemental probiotic is important but eating fermented foods can be even more powerful to support a healthy immune system. I highly recommend starting with some true fermented pickles or sauerkraut, adding some kombucha (watch the sugar content) and even some fermented beets! Along with probiotic foods and balancing the microbiome we want to ensure we are feeding the healthy powerful microbiome so increasing fiber in our foods and decreasing sugar is really important to feed the good gut bugs that support the immune system.

The immune system will be strong and will do all the work for you if you feed yourself good, natural and real food. It’s something we should be doing all the time, it’s not just going to protect you from COVID but something we need to think about to fight colds and flues every year!

Do you want to know more? Are you worried about your immune system? Are you confident that you are doing everything you need to support your immune system? Would you like to know more about how you can begin to get to the root issues holding you back from reaching your health and wellness goals? Let’s chat about how holistic nutrition consulting and health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes so that you can feel your best every single day. I can provide recipes, meal and snack ideas and support changes to transform your health! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  I work with individuals from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!