No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Coach Calgary

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Are You Ready For The Holiday Food?

One Month and Counting…

It happened. In fact, it happens every year on this weekend. I turn one year older and the next day, the Christmas decorations appear, and the holiday season begins. You see, I have a rule, no Holiday decorations, no cookies, no pies, no candy canes, nothing until my birthday is celebrated. Today the house exploded, my children had the time of their lives and there is a thin layer of glitter and tinsel covering my floors and somehow everything seems brighter and hopeful.

For many, there is anxiety as the holidays approach, and it has more to do with the food than the family and gifts. Navigating the holiday buffets, dinners and parties can be overwhelming for many health-conscious individuals. If this is starting to creep into your mind there are strategies to help. I suggest sitting down with your calendar and really evaluating all the invites you get.  There is likely at least ONE that you don’t want to go to but feel you MUST attend. Pick and choose this year to empower yourself.

If the event is at a family member’s home offer to bring some foods that will keep you on track. Offer to host if possible so that you can control the choices. Remember that it’s okay to indulge a little over the holidays as well. Too much restraint will only lead to feelings of missing out and not enjoying the holiday season to the fullest. The idea is to take the focus off food and put more focus on quality time spent with family and friends.

I will continue to post some holiday tips and tricks to remind us all how to navigate the holidays. If there is a specific topic you would like some support with, please feel free to post a comment or send me an email. I would love to hear from you and hear your best tricks you use when you are navigating holiday food.

Want to get even healthier? Are you concerned about getting through the holidays without losing the traction you’ve got reaching your health goals? Curious about how health coaching can help you make healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  I work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!