No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Coach Calgary

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Are you Addicted to Sugar? Find Out Today!

10 Tips for Dealing with An Addiction to Sugar

We all love a little sugar, some of us may even love it A LOT! So, when do we know that things have gotten out of control? When do we know that sugar addiction is taking over and we are officially unable to live without it? Well, there are a few signs and symptoms to recognize when your sugar cravings are leading to more of an addiction rather than just a simple craving.

One of the first signs that I recognize with clients is that they have tried to kick the sugar but it just seems to be too difficult, something always leads them back. They find comfort in the sugary foods and feel a loss with out it. Another big sign is that withdrawing sugar creates issues in the body like headaches, mood changes and tiredness. None of these are normal signs of just not eating a certain food for a day.  

So what can we do to improve our chances of getting off this addictive white powdery deliciousness? Here are No Shoes Nutrition’s top ten tips for kicking a sugar addiction:

Tip #1 - Drink water. Sometimes sweet cravings are a sign of dehydration. Before you go for the sugar, have a glass of water and wait a few minutes. This can help give you some time to redirect your attention as well as keep yourself away from the sweets.

Tip #2 - Eat naturally sweet vegetables and fruit to crowd out your sugar cravings. Yes, there are sugars in the fruits and veggies but these are natural sugar wrapped up in fiber. We want to cut the processed added sugar.

Tip #3 - Avoid chemical, artificial sweeteners and foods with added sugar. Use gentle sweeteners like maple syrup, brown rice syrup, dried fruit, stevia, and barley malt. Artificial sweeteners can actually make you crave sugar more because your body thinks it’s getting sweets but none ever come so the cravings get worse not better!

Tip #4 - Reduce or eliminate caffeine. The ups and downs of caffeine include dehydration and blood sugar swings and may lead to sugar cravings. Caffeine also uses up some of your vitamin stores which can lead to cravings that can be mistaken for sugar cravings so watch out!!

Tip #5 - Get more sleep, rest, and relaxation. Simple carbohydrates, such as sugar, are the most readily available source of energy for an exhausted body and mind. If you’re in a state of chronic stress and/or sleep deprivation, your body will crave the quickest form of energy available – sugar.

Tip #6 - Get physically active. Start with simple activities like walking and yoga. Start with 10 minutes a day and gradually increase. Being active helps balance blood sugar levels, boost energy, and reduce tension, decreasing the likelihood that you’ll want to self-medicate with sugar.

Tip #7 - Eliminate fat-free or low-fat packaged snack foods. These foods contain high quantities of added sugar to compensate for lack of flavor and fat, which will send you on a roller coaster ride of sugar highs and lows.

Tip #8 - Slow down and find sweetness in non-food ways! Cravings almost always have a psychological component. By identifying the underlying causes of food cravings and making lifestyle adjustments accordingly, you can find balance and take charge of your health. When life itself becomes sweet, excess sugar isn’t needed!

Tip #9 - Experiment with spices. Coriander, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and cardamom will naturally sweeten your food and reduce cravings.

Tip #10 - Evaluate the amount of animal food you eat. According to yin-yang principles of eating (such as in Macrobiotics and Traditional Chinese Medicine), eating too much animal food (yang) can lead to cravings for sweets (yin). Imbalances can also occur when you eat too little animal protein.  Through experimentation and intuition, you can find which foods create balance for you as an individual.

Want to get even healthier? If you’re looking to cut out sugar without the nasty side effects let’s talk! Working with a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant can increase your chance of success so you can finally live sugar free! Or at least not live with the sugar highs and lows that affect your day to day life! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with Megan or Penny today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  We work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!