No Shoes Nutrition | Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Coach Calgary

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Welcome to My New Website!

No Shoes?  What’s No Shoes?

I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Megan Barefoot. Besides having a Bachelor of Science, I am a graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York, which is an in-depth nutrition coaching course to help people like you, me, pretty much anyone looking for change, transform their lives through nutrition education and coaching. I am most recently a graduate of the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. Here I learned the science behind what we need to eat for health and how we are all bio-individuals, so no one way of eating is going to suit everyone. 

But back to the burning question of the day…why No Shoes Nutrition? 

In addition to referring to my last name “Barefoot” (get it? No Shoes!!), it also has a deeper meaning. When we’re Barefoot, it brings us back to our roots, we’re connected to the earth and grounded. When we’re grounded we are better balanced, we are mentally and emotionally stable and aware of what it is going on, in and around our body. When working with you as my client, that’s the BIGGEST goal and achievement….finding balance, finding stability and becoming aware. 

What does this bring us closer to? Optimal HEALTH!!

I can’t wait to work with you and I can’t wait to start a journey with you to find balance and stability using a personal nutrition program for your individual journey….let’s get Barefoot together!!

Tell me what you think! Did you guess the meaning of No Shoes Nutrition before you read this post? Are you ready to go Barefoot with me through the nutrition world?