No Shoes Nutrition—Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant & Coach Calgary

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Day Seventeen - Holiday Health Challenge

Know Your Holiday Stress Points

Does your family put you on edge?  Maybe it’s not anyone person but having everyone together in the same space?  Do you loath running into someone at a “must go to” holiday party and get flustered every year?  The holidays can hold many stresses and there are things I suggest skipping, but there are MUST DO’s that there’s just no getting out of.  I know that I used to get caught off guard and sucked in to take the bait from certain people. You know, that person just waiting for an argument! I would even lose my cool on occasion. Over the past few years I have grown to realize that I can’t control people or what may happen, but I can control my reaction. It’s not always easy and it doesn’t ALWAYS work but I have learned to recognize the triggers. I have learned to avoid certain situations and take deep breaths in others. 

Do you take on too much? Do you have to plan dinner, travel, gift exchanges, postage and more? I suggest asking for help. What about splitting the tasks?  Believe me, I know it’s not that easy.  Who do we ask for help?  Who else is going to do the shopping?  (NOTE: Amazon Prime has become my good friend!) I have asked dinner guests to contribute a dish or two to gatherings and I have given up travel during the holidays. Figuring out what works best for you and your family is the trick!

Do you set unreasonable expectations? I still struggle with expectations as I have young children and hope and wish for them the best Christmas each year. I work on their Christmas morning surprises all year and really hope they get excited and happy about their presents. Unfortunately, every present has not been a winner, but I try my best to manage that failed expectation.

What can help you manage your stress?  Do you have something to look forward to?  One strategy that may help survive certain situations is having something to look forward to.  If there is a must attend gathering that maybe isn’t a favorite, try to plan something to look forward to the next day or the following weekend. 

What do you think would work for you? Do you have strategies in place to handle the stress of the holidays?  Do you know what your stress points are?  I would LOVE to hear from you! Thank you for your continued support and for the great additions to all the blogs thus far.  Have a great day!!