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Day Sixteen - Holiday Health Challenge

Bring Out the Skinny Jeans

Okay this might be the funniest tip in my opinion! Going to a party? Dress in your tightest pants, aka the skinny jeans and let nature tell you when to stop eating! It doesn’t just have to be your jeans, find a fitted shirt, a little black dress, wear a belt that doesn’t have any room to let out a notch! I find this a fun and effective way to stay conscious all day and all night. 

When we are getting ready for a night out, it’s interesting how much time we put into our appearance. I like to feel comfortable but “put together”, rarely happens, but I can pretend I know what I’m doing. In the past I have given little thought to wearing those tightly fitted jeans as a measure of consciousness but thinking back to certain nights out, I do remember having a feeling of satiety earlier in the night and realizing I was full. I think this is simply because the fitted clothing was sitting on my expanding belly as I ate and drank the night away. It was just a little reminder that I was full when I was socializing and having fun and not being present. That’s simple right? 

I was thinking about this some more and had the idea that we should treat ourselves to a little holiday self care by going out and getting something that fits us perfectly right now. We can wear it out over the holidays AND by being fully present while wearing it we will make sure it fits perfectly after the holidays too. I don’t know about you, but a little retail therapy is much over due for this mamma! 

Today I wanted to bring an element of fun and humor back to the holiday challenge. I feel like the past few days have been some heavy material, so I hope that you can see the humor in this tip and giggle a bit about it. Life is seriously too short to always be fretting about food and calories and nutrients. Its great to feel your best whether that means you wear skinny jeans or not. 

Thank you for reading today and I hope you find some fun and light in your life to smile about! Tell me a little about your favorite party clothes and if it's time for some retail therapy for yourselves!! Come back tomorrow to continue with the holiday health challenge!! There are still a couple weeks to go and I have each day planned out to help us stay motivated and educated to get through this holiday season a little more healthy.