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12 Steps to Better Health - Start TODAY!!

Easy Steps to Improve your health TODAY!

Isn’t better health what we all want? We all know what we are supposed to be doing and we all know there are simple steps that can be taken to reach better health. Today I would just like to remind all of us of some simple steps to get us on the right track. I will also share why these steps are important for each of us to work on. It doesn’t take much but life gets in the way. I think that if we are following these steps 80% of the time and indulging 20% of the time we are doing well!

Here are some steps that I believe will transform your health without you having to invest loads of time or money. You won’t even have to give up the foods you love or go on the ever dreaded “diet”.

Step 1 - Drink more water. I think we can all agree that for optimal health it is important to be getting 8-10 large glasses of water each day. Why? Well, we are mostly made up of water ourselves. Water is for us like oil is to a machine. It’s used to keep us running squeak free. If you are running all day everyday and never “changing the oil” you can just imagine how gunked up your motor is. Drink water is like bathing your insides! If you get tired of just plain water add some fruit infusions, a little splash of juice or carbonate your water for a little change.

Step 2 – Practice Cooking. For some they are born with the gift of throwing together random foods and it comes out a gourmet meal. Me? I’m not “that guy”. In fact, I don’t even really enjoy cooking all that much because it takes SO much time and prep. But, as I’ve “practiced” I’ve noticed that I’ve gotten better and that it’s been easier to get a meal together with whole, natural good quality foods. I’ve realized that it doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be quite simple, it just takes practice.

Step 3 – Experiment with Whole Grains. We are humans and we’re used to having variety and choice yet so many of us eat the same meals day in and day out. Did you know there are lots of whole grains that can add benefits to your body and health besides oatmeal and rice? To name just a few there’s buckwheat, millet, quinoa, amaranth, and wild rice to mix it up!!

Step 4 – Increase sweet vegetables. Did you even know there was such a thing? Once you cut back a bit on the sugary treats you would be surprised to know how sweet a carrot can taste! Sweet potatoes, yam, carrots and beets! A great summer treat for me is shredded carrot and beet salad! Full of color and helps with the sweet cravings!!

Step 5 – Increase leafy greens. This is one of the most important things I believe have transformed my own health. Some people must work hard to get just one serving! For me I am striving for 3-4 one cup servings of just greens each day. That along with my other fruits and vegetables provide a great foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

Step 6 – Try some new proteins. Did you know there are many different sources of protein? It doesn’t have to just come from meat and meat products, though I am not against this practice, it can be balanced with plant sources as well. Beans, legumes, and grains can provide great protein when paired with each other to complete the protein profile. Dairy and eggs can be added as complete proteins as well!

Step 7 – Eat less processes foods. I know this can be hard, especially when travelling and for busy individuals and families on the go. But doing some preparation can go a long way to reducing the amount of processed food you eat daily. This will add up to better health for you and for those you are cooking for!

Step 8 – Make a habit of nurturing your body. We only have this body for this lifetime. We need to take care of ourselves and treat ourselves right. Nurturing your body can look different for everyone. Have some alone time, unplug for a day, visit the spa, play with your pets, spend time with a loved one, do what feeds your soul.

Step 9 – Foster healthy relationships. The people around you are your support and you are theirs. Cultivating and nurturing the relationships that are important to you will add many health benefits both physically and mentally. Communicate your feelings and be honest with what relationships are healthy and which are toxic, which you should spend time on and which you should leave alone and see what happens.

Step 10 – Enjoy regular Activity. Get out, get up, get moving! Your body needs to move to circulate your lymph and support your immune system. Stretch, lift, get down on the floor and then get back up. Practice functional movements so that as you age you retain the ability to do those important movements. You don’t have to work out in a gym to exercise, what’s most important is that you are moving and moving as often as you can.

Step 11 – Find work you love. I didn’t really believe in the power of this one until I started my nutrition consulting. I love my work and I love supporting people work towards their goals. This transformed my life and has helped me reach my own goals. It has also supported more positive mental health which motivates me each day to get up and do the right thing for myself and my family.

Step 12 – Develop a spiritual practice. I know, I know, this can be uncomfortable for some people to think about. But it’s not what you think. It can be finding a church, it can be looking into your soul but it can also be writing down what you are grateful for, living in the moment and feeding your soul. It’s different for everyone and it is important that you find a spiritual practice that feel right to you for your health!

Want to get even healthier? Are you ready to start implementing these steps and more in your life but don’t know where to start? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about! Visit and sign up for a FREE consultation.  I work with people from all over the world individually or in groups so don’t let anything hold you back!